#27245 Internet Settings security zones not i18n-ed
#35981 Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Russian locale) updater has missing glyphs
#39576 Sound in StarCraft 2 breaks after
#39733 OpenGL Extensions Viewer 4.x (.NET 4.0 app) fails to start with Wine-Mono
#41342 Build with winegcc is not reproducible
#46580 HoMM3 WOG: can't enter russian text speaking with sphynx
#46702 GNUTLS_CURVE_TO_BITS not found
#52221 GameMaker 8: Missing sound effects
#53644 vbscript can not compile classes with lists of private / public / dim declarations
#54752 RUN Moldex3D Viewer will Crash
#55155 Telegram can not be run in latest version wine, but ok in wine6.0.4
#56530 Final Fantasy XI Online: Memory leak when Wine is built with CFLAGS="-g -mno-avx".
#56559 iologo launcher cannot download setup program
#56658 When using Kosugi for vertical writing, some punctuation marks are not placed correctly.
#56703 Crash when installing Rhinoceros 8.6
#56876 Paint Tool SAIv2 VirtualAlloc invalid address on commit
#57191 Flickering image on Video-surveilance-Software
#57338 wine-gecko/wine-mono don't cache their installers if using a username with unicode characters
#57360 Wrong Combobox dropdown in 7zFM
#57529 reMarkable application crash on new winehq-devel 10 RC1
#57563 vbscript: mid() throws when passed VT_EMPTY instead of returning empty string
#57626 SteuerErklarung 2025 halts: windows 8 is not compatible
#57650 osu! stable: Insert key to minimize to tray does not hide game window (regression)
#57664 New problems with SudoCue under Win 10.0 rc5
#57675 err:virtual:virtual_setup_exception stack overflow 3072 bytes addr 0x7bd5b54c stack 0x81100400
#57689 Menus misplaced on X11 when using dual monitor with right monitor as primary
#57690 .NET Framework 4.8 installer hangs
#57692 No context menu in Reason (DAW)
#57698 Reason's (DAW) dialog windows stopped registering mouse events and open at screen's right edge
#57704 Compile Error since 10.0rc5+
#57710 Cannot open main menu via keyboard in Reason (DAW)
#57711 The 32-bit wpcap program has a stack leakage issue
#57766 Win3_BIOS most likely should be Win32_BIOS instead
#57787 Final Fantasy XI Online crashes with unhandled page fault on launch
#57794 WinHTTP implementation assumes HTTP response has a status text
When locking the screen. The running programs will freeze until you unlock it again.