I have forgotten Snoops... man it was a challenge to understand her w/o subtitles
Godspeed you magnificent beast, you'll be missed but I'm glad you are taking care of yourself. I'll see you when you upload ocasional videos.
I think big part of it was the strike isn't it?
I think this is the best option from both worlds
Hahaha love this thread, I hope it becomes meta
I've had two trees in my whole life, both plastic, at this rate maybe I'll have 3 in my total life. I still don't get why people cut live ones, you hurt the tree, it probably will make a mess while drying, and you'll end up trashing it at the end of the season.
Yes the smell must be nice but there are options now for that scent...
Ghost in the Stalls
I searched for "Ghost in the Stalls" It's a video of a guy talking to the camera... I switched to the animated version, I don't know why I thought it could be funny at least more than the guy just talking... it wasn't.
I bet the guy is an aspiring writer, it's bad, don't waste your time.
Really good, thanks
Now someone post the follow up where she twists it to make it his fault anyways
I cast fireball
I know a relative that gets them from ebay, some people get them through insurance and they don't like it and end up selling them really cheap
If you are a Turtle that practices martial arts