No! You shouldn't have told me that it could be done! Now, the next time I launch gparted, I'll somehow manage to wipe everything! Not just my system, but, like, all my systems! If it can be broken on a computer, I'll be the one to break it!
Everyone is going to tell you to use dd. dd if=/dev/oldsdcard of=/dev/newsdcard
Personally, I have actually eaten an entire system by getting the wrong /dev names for the input file and the output file.
Gparted lets you copy whole partitions and resize them, and is graphical. I have yet to destroy my computer using gparted, but I've definitely done so with dd. (I'm also an idiot though, so...) Edit: gparted will also let you resize the new SD to the bigger partition size! However, it is actually possible to break your system in gparted too, so make sure you aren't deleting partitions and stuff in there.
Nope. We don't need that nonsense.
So, I tried that a long time ago, and it didn't work. Tried it again today, same deal. Then, I tried a third time and actually hit the "Save" button this time... Yeah, I think Jellyfin was never the problem.
I've had both for a while now, but I find that subtitle playback is a bit spotty in Jellyfin. Is that fixed, or have I missed a setting somewhere? The other thing is that my libraries are alphabetical in Jellyfin, so "Anime" comes before "Kaiju", and I truly can't stand the idea that Godzilla gets sent to the back of the bus. Is there a way to customize the order of libraries?
Point of fact: Windows 95 came on a 650 meg CD, and was mostly empty, so they filled the rest with a video of this song.
Don't try to go to work for the telecoms here. As an employer, they suck.
I ask myself that on a regular basis.
This is why I keep my old-as-hell Shuttle PC in the closet... I boot it off a live CD so I don't accidentally dd my actual desktop's OS into oblivion, again.
Alberta. Canada's Texas. Sheesh.
I volunteer at the public library. Almost all the people who come in are phones only, and totally lost on a PC. They come in to fill out gov't PDFs that won't open on their phones and to print stuff out. My classmates, in the IT program (!) have a lot of trouble navigating on their laptops, and only a couple of us have desktops at all.
I don't know where you are in Canada, but my library has a career coach that went over my resume, suggested a lot of changes that I never would have thought of, and went over a number of strategies to help. Guy was a big help. If you are in a bigger city, odds are that's available.