My classes? All windows, except half the teachers want you working in a Linux VM... I cut out the middleman. A few issues with VMware and Packet Tracer, and the Teams for Linux crashes too often for my tastes, but I've been two and a half semesters, and only had two hiccups with Office online/Libre Office compatibility on group projects. I am so unbearably smug...
Nope! I'm a dummy. The guy's name is Jeffrey Moss, and I clearly got a different one.
If you mean Tony Todd, then yeah. I met him. Very nice guy. One of very few celebrity encounters I've had that was positive.
Concatulations! You are now cat staff. Commence feeding and changing litter for the next 10-20 years.
I have a bunch of e-readers, but most of them are Android, so Google is spying on you. Are you planning towards e-ink, or LCD? My manga go-to is a Bigme Inknote. Ups: nice and big, color, good battery life once you turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, does everything any android tablet can do, light, selectable backlight. Downs: Ghosting, slower than LCD, expensive, not as vibrant as LCD. If you want to go LCD and DIY: Get an old 2-in-1 like a Surface Book. Replace Windows with a Linux that uses Gnome. Ups: way brighter, faster, sharper image, more customizable, private, probably cheaper. Downs: Battery life in hours, not days. has a lot of e-reader reviews.
I tried Bazzite, but I had trouble getting a couple of my school apps to run. VMware Workstation wouldn't install the kernel modules it needs, and I couldn't find an installation guide. Getting it to run on boring Fedora took me a lot of tries, to be honest. I wish I could use literally any other hypervisor, but my teachers kinda hate me for not using Windows, so...
I'm similar in apps, and I get along nicely with Fedora. Had to muck about a bit to get Auto1111 working, but otherwise no issues. I use a fair number of flatpaks where Ubuntu offers snaps. I use VMware instead of virtual box, and that was a pain to install. Nvidia plays nice if you set up rpmfusion repos.
I showed up to repair Internet at a stripper's house. She answered in a bathrobe, then showered while I worked. The modem was in her bedroom. So was the shower.
I kept my eyes averted. Finally got it working, turned on her laptop to check to make sure it was surfing. Wallpaper was her, naked.
So, yup.
I'm coming off of two years (and change) of daily, debilitating pain. I'm just now starting to get used to moving around on the regular again, and trying to get back into a shape that isn't "round." As a consequence of this, I also don't have a job. During those two years, I spent more than seven months collecting doctor's reports and paperwork to get coverage for the medications prescribed... In Canada! The stuff that was covered here would have absolutely bankrupted me in the US. (Yes, I got declined.)
No comment.
The Megalopolis in my head was one hundred billion times better than what FFC made.
Yup! Security updates, but not build updates. You're good until 23H02 goes out of support, then you'll have to reinstall 11. At least, that's what I understand. My 21H02 machines just never get the push for 22,23,24 etc major build updates.
That's the one I'm using, actually. It's stable for web calls and stuff, but if I get a notification and go to open it, it freezes and shuts down on me maybe once every few tries. I usually just rerun it and it's fine. Thanks for the suggestion though!