This is a bit of a slog, but I have tailscale and rdclient running on an iplay mini 50. I have a SIM card in it, but I am on wifi 95% of the time, and it connects back to my desktop at home running Fedora. Not quite as good as being in front of it, but it's a pretty reliable workflow, and I can switch the same remote session to my laptop if I need more screen size.
A whole team called in sick on the same day, went camping, posted pics to Facebook, shared the pics at work the next week in front of the boss.
Steam and Lutris work well! I can game on XFCE Mint just fine. I actually have an easier time of it than on a number of distros, thanks to the combination of flatpaks and the Ubuntu base. But, I am not "the kids".
So... Yeah.
Homophobia is over then because Trudeau says so?
I'm not super young, but in my life, people got the crap kicked out of them for being gay. People got beaten to death for it.
Hell, I got the crap kicked out of me for enjoying Phantom of the Opera, because the guy playing him in Toronto was gay.
They're parading on the streets, revelling in the feeling that, for once, they don't have to hide. I'm guessing you're either very young, or very naive.
If you find it weird, or off-putting, fine. But don't think for a minute that they don't have to worry, or hide, or be afraid, just because the current leader says they're allowed to live. A lot of people think they shouldn't, so we need to support them.
Agreement here. Mint XFCE runs fine on a Core 2 Duo with 2GB DDR2. It's not snappy, but all the normal stuff runs. A core 2 Quad with four guys will be fine.
I have a Mini PC from China for 200$ Canuckian (That's like 25 US dollars) which has two 2.5 GB ports. A lot of NASes these days also have 2.5 GB. As long as you don't stick a 1GB switch between them, you have plenty fast speeds.
I think I read somewhere that there is a process to sign the drivers so you can secure boot, but I never have. I go the rpmfusion route. It's quite easy.
Not similar, but my old job sucked, hated my boss, hated many of my co-workers, and despised the company. I took a package out and am back at school, and don't regret it for one minute. Fear of the unknown is how bad bosses keep good employees.
I checked, it's still there! (It doesn't append, it overwrites, so no, I just have a file with the current date and time accurate to within two minutes.)
Syrup. Affable. Eh?
I did the hackiest, lamest thing back in the day... I had my client write the current date and time to a file on the share every two minutes as a Cron job... Kept it working for months! I saw it on a forum somewhere, tried it, and... Shocked Pikachu face I don't know if I ever disabled that Cron job! Haha!
Posting a selfie of himself holding a burger and a pop next to the "No food, no drinks, no photographs" sign in the secure datacenter?