Looks cool! However, there is with badge.team also a similar app platform which they used on https://flow3r.garden/, on the MCH22-badge and the now in preorder namatsu: https://shop.nicolaielectronics.nl/products/tanmatsu?variant=55608856183133 (which I just ordered two of)
Their live traffic data's comes not from OSM. It is not publicly known what their source is for this data.
Oh, damn, I didn't notice this was OM. I wrongly assumed this was the main website.
I wonder why the OSM team isn’t calling the ISP out by name.
Because this would open up OSM for defamation (and hinders a commercial resolve). It doesn't solve anything right now.
The seach engine tries to infer the correct administrative area based on points. This is known behaviour of ~~nominatim~~ some search engines but doesn't mean that the data is incorrect
You are not allowed to use Google Maps for this. Ther is copyright protection on it.
How does it work? You go there and note down the addresses.
When you make a phone call, the antenna's are used 100% for calling and using data is disabled (or at least, it used to be). Android might thus "pretend" that it is still connected.
I created the routing profile and put it online, some other person then took it and actually integrated it and got it merged. So, I did the fun part and they did the boring (but also important) work.
So I'm not able to claim the full credit, but close enough to get a lot of bragging rights.
You are supposed to have a separate entry for the bicycle repair stand and the office. One could move leaving the other behind.
With https://mapcomplete.org/cyclofix.html?z=18.4&lat=51.34379511912127&lon=12.369132296106727, it should be easy to add them.
I contributed the "skiing" profile a few years ago :)
It is whispered that the provider might be TomTom...