
joined 2 years ago

Nothing Janky About This New Programming Language

With programming languages among the top interests of TNS readers, we are constantly on the lookout for new languages that could have a potential impact on developers. Jeaye Wilkerson’s jank is a dialect of Clojure that he says can be used anywhere...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure


From C++ to Clojure: New Language Promises Best of Both

When Jeaye Wilkerson started working on creating a new programming language about a decade ago, he sought to build a general-purpose programming language that embraced the interactive, value-oriented nature of Clojure as well as the desire for...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure


How does dev tooling help?

The Apropos folks (well, at least 3 of us) are back on YouTube! And we’re figuring out the tech. Subscribe to the channel to be notified before we go live. We broadcast this Tuesday with guest Zach Tellman!And let’s not forget Grokking Simplicity,...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure


Structuring large Clojure codebases with Biff

I've been making some progress on rewriting Yakread (a fancy reading app) from ~scratch and open-sourcing it in the process. Along the way I'm experimenting with potential new features for Biff, my Clojure web framework, which Yakread is...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure


Clojure Deref (Jan 23, 2025)

Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem (feed: RSS). Thanks to Anton Fonarev for link aggregation. Podcasts, videos, and media Clein Bringing a bit of leiningen to deps edn by Noah Bogart -...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure


SCXML-Inspired State Charts In Clojure(script)

Note: This post is the second in my asked-clojure series. In this article I attempt to distill some of the core concepts in the Statecharts library that has been gaining interest lately. I will do so by covering a little bit of history, explaining...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure


End-to-end tests in Clojure with Etaoin and Testcontainers

Learn how to set up and run end-to-end tests in Clojure using Etaoin and Testcontainers, making browser testing easier without managing separate webdrivers.

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure


The SOLID principles illustrated using Clojure code examples

Here is a short introduction to the SOLID software design principles explained using Clojure code examples. Click above image to watch the 20 minutes presentation. You can get the slides here: solid.pdf See for...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure


Clojure Is Awesome!!! [PART 6]

(ns observer (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s])) (s/def ::topic keyword?) (s/def ::message any?) (s/def ::callback fn?) (defprotocol Observable "Protocol defining Observable behaviors" (subscribe [this topic callback] "Subscribes a...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure


The SOLID principles illustrated using Clojure code examples

Here is a short introduction to the SOLID software design principles explained using Clojure code examples. Click above image to watch the 20 minutes presentation. You can get the slides here: solid.pdf See for...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure


50+ Remote Job Websites You Need to Know About 🌍💼

I've compiled an extensive list of job boards specifically focused on remote positions. Whether you're a developer, designer, or working in other tech roles, these platforms will help you find your next remote gig. Why Remote Work?...

#clojure #clj #cljs [email protected] @clojure

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