Your whole argument could have been just that last sentence and I’d bet you’d have significantly less downvotes.
Although I’m disappointed by the courts decision I do believe class basis is a better measuring stick for AA. That said, I think there would be a pretty close correlation between the people who benefit now and the people who would benefit if the system was based on socioeconomic class.
I think there is a magical aspect of Futurama that is truly timeless.
Sit someone down who has never seen the show and make them watch Jurassic Bark. Every time I’ve done it the person is tearing up by the end.
Very few shows have the ability to resonate with their audience like that. Especially animated ones.
I think there is a magical aspect of Futurama that is truly timeless.
Sit someone down who has never seen the show and make them watch Jurassic Bark. Every time I’ve done it the person is tearing up by the end.
Very few shows have the ability to resonate with their audience like that. Especially animated ones.
No problem. There are a lot of upsides to this app. It’s one of the best options for deduping huge collections.
I wish there was more capability for it to learn from your manual tagging but I’d rather have it the way it is than cloud based.