The same meta where avatars don't even have a lower body half?
It's the 26th release version of Romanian, obviously. Great improvement over the 25th version!
Well, that's still around 1 MB too much IMHO.
Wenn mehr als 5% den Verstorbenen mochten, dann nihil nisi bene. Wir sind hier immerhin in Deutschland, also richten wir uns bei solchen Fragen nach der 5%-Hürde! /s
Schon dadurch, dass ihr überhaupt Backups zum Einspielen habt, seid ihr wesentlich besser als was man für den Mitgliedsbeitrag hier erwarten darf. :)
"Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" -- Because we don't, neither.
The "ermäßigter Mehrwertsteuersatz" (reduced VAT rate) you pay for staple food in Germany is 7%. That might be less than what you pay in surrounding countries, but 7% is remarkably bigger than 0%.
"Draining Earth's oceans, revealing the two-thirds of Earth's surface we don't get to see":
Sorry, maybe it's just me, but the gameplay video looks aggressively boring. Most of the reviews have quite low playtimes, too. I daresay the actual player count was closer to 1 than 10,000 by orders of magnitude.
The French?
What was his answer?