joined 1 week ago
You really need job regulations. In my country if you gonna fire someone you have to pay a lot of money, this way companies think twice.
J think the best solution for window$ ppl is Rufus?
Well, bones heal if there are some love from your close community members for a time.
I don't know a lot of happy people, a lot of them uses fake masks to cover all the shit. Not my close family or friends at least...
This post brings me amounts of peace.
I agree with you. I don't think there are any ethical way to make money. You always have to exploit someone or something affecting third parties. Yes, you could reduce to minimal expression, but it will never going to be zero. And at the end, I think this is the problem with most forms of life, the predatory model. With some plants and bacteria exception. But yeah, nature knows nothing about justice because it is a human construct, but still...