Anyone can call for the abolition of capitalism. However the President cannot just abolish it. The government does not impose capitalism, nor can it abolish it. Nothing is stopping people from sharing freely, from bartering good and services, or any particular economic theory. The US is not a capitalist country. It's a country run by capitalists, imposing capitalism on the masses because they can.
Saying he wants to abolish capitalism and that's one reason he's running for president just shows me there is either a significant gap in understanding what a President can do, or they know and don't care. Either way, I have no confidence that this person is on the path to actual change.
You want actual change? Abandon capitalism. Abandon materialism. Come together in communities, solarpunk communities. Forget the politics and politicians. If we wait on some magical candidate to get elected, we will be waiting forever. Take action. Small communities can be self sustaining with all kinds of energy sources, from wind, solar, water, to just riding stationary bikes to charge up batteries. We grow our own gardens. Cook, eat, and live in common areas, sleep in our tiny homes.
Have your leader keep track of all the communities that pop up, so they can network with each other, give them real information and real support. Train people. Take the campaign money and seed tens of thousands of small solarpunk communities across the nation. Each one will unplug people from mainstream capitalism, if not fully, by a significant factor.
But to do this, you have to stop thinking like a capitalist. Looking at costs and values and profits. The real value in solarpunk communities is the growth of human empathy, as we let go of personal materialism and shift our focus to being stewards of where we live.
The revolution doesn't have to be violent. Hell, it can happen quietly as people just drop out of capitalism and begin their off-grid lives. It just takes some strong pioneers to get it going, being an example that people can live together in harmony with their environment without having to give up technology and quality of life. People will learn that the 40+ hour work week in order to survive is a lie indoctrinated by the capitalists in order that each new generation is born into being labor.
Labor is the true power. Not money. As labor drops out of the exploitative system of capitalism, the power slowly drains from the "rich", They are dependents. Dependent upon us. In a small solarpunk community, once it's established and stable, people will find they have a lot more free time for self-improvement and socialization.
This is the way to abolish capitalism. Drop out of it. And frankly, anyone who wants to stay in that system is welcome to do so. Let them remain capitalists. And when that life continues to suck more and they ask to come be a solarpunk with you, then smile and open your arms to them. Empathy, acceptance, support. For the environment and for each other.
We need action, not a president. Presidents are useless.
Anarchists don't elect presidents. Participating in elections is a method to keep the public docile because they believe the lie they are told that they are the power! They chose the president! Did they? Or did they choose between two candidates that the capitalists told them they can vote for?
I am not opposed to you being here and having a community here. I think your heart is in the right place, but the suggested course of action will have no result. If you want people here to get excited, talk about plans to create communities people can join. Real places. Use campaign funds and buy cheap land out in the rural areas. Gather people with the right basic skill sets. The smart way is to get a solid group of people who have all the skills needed, then when new communities start, move these "seeds" to new communities so they can teach those people all they need to do to succeed.
Stop thinking about liberals and conservatives. Let them do their things and everyone else do theirs. Each community will learn all the skills (trust me, they will still have lots of free time) needed over time, so that it becomes a mesh network of skills, no community is ever dependent on one individual for a skill.
You have passion, but I feel like it is being wasted on efforts that require you to remain within the constraints of the capitalist system. Maybe think smaller. Small communities, spread out over the country. Each one a new light in a network of solarpunk communities. New lights until the darkness of exploitation and forced labor (yes forced, they don't hold a gun to you, but if you don't work for a company that gives you money, you cannot eat or have a place to live.) are only memories we tell our grandchildren.