Absolutely! thanks for sharing.
Putting watermarks on memes is a sin.
North Korean women being overwhelmed by being in the presence of their supreme leader Kim Jong-Un or at least acting the part to show their admiration.
Danke sehr!
Das werde ich mal tun - in den restlichen Kommentaren habe ich noch startseite und tarnkappe entdeckt, das ist auch schon mal ein Meer an Informationen 👍
Gibt es Orte an denen man sich über Piraterie von deutschen Inhalten austauschen oder vor allem bzgl. Quellen und Anleitungen ausführlich informieren kann?
Awesome thanks for the all this info!
A memory jog, that describes it neatly thanks for the new word. Also nice touch with the shoes :D
Same here. If there's a Handy tutorial anyone would suggest to get familiar with those abilities I'd love to hear about them.
I sometimes had a very small piece of paper scribbled with stuff I couldn't remember while learning but turns out this way I knew what I had written down there and didn't need it afterall :D
One time I accidentally forgot about that tiny paper though and my teacher actually found it on some stairs and recognized my handwriting.
Thanks for your input! To me the three I listed feel very similar to what I had with Boost/Sync, probably because they were inspired by them in their main aspects. Admittedly though for me it's just some tweaks and I'm happily scrolling away whereas B/S offer a litany of settings to customize every aspect of your browsing and posting experience which is very attractive, especially for more heavy users.
Nice to hear about your positive interactions with the dev. That sounds awesome and certainly is a good argument for supporting him in particular but also other developers delivering quality software be it open source or not.
Last major release before a big jump 😄