Trailer park boys, letterkenny, shoresy
The house hippo
Trailer park boys, letterkenny, shoresy
The house hippo
Sailing the seas is free
Try ‘two brewers’ from white horse… too bad they made the maple syrup cask only once.
Tbh ‘invade a nato partner’ sounds stupid but not impossible these days
Their name is ‘restaurant brands’? that’s so blandly corporate evil
Same as coke company..
It‘s Fine. He‘s Rich and allowed to lie on his citizenship application. Everyone else would still lose it in retrospect. But he’s just a poor white cisguy, give him a break
Is this president wankpanzer firing people that he will regret to have fired and then rehire them again, again?!
He once smelled someone’s seat who had the concept of a plan. That must count for something
Whoever pays more
I think prince andrew has free time on his hands.