
joined 1 month ago
[–] [email protected] 94 points 1 week ago (20 children)

I remember when compression was popularized, like mp3 and jpg, people would run experiments where they would convert lossy to lossy to lossy to lossy over and over and then share the final image, which was this overcooked nightmare

I wonder if a similar dynamic applies to the scenario presented in the comic with AI summarization and expansion of topics. Start with a few bullet points have it expand that to a paragraph or so, have it summarize it back down to bullet points, repeat 4-5 times, then see how far off you get from the original point.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 week ago

However, my extensive mermaid knowledge consists of: ariel,

[–] [email protected] 35 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I feel like the classic image the mermaid in my head is clamshells as a bra. However, my extensive mermaid knowledge consists of: ariel, the concept of the undine (which I have never seen depicted and I’m not sure is a mermaid actually, is this something that encompasses mermaids technically? Not really my forte), and decerto, who I have also never seen depicted

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Well my research wasn’t about consumer spending stuff; it was about helping parents of kids with autism that had arfid or other sensory issues related to food. I would imagine the same concept applies to consumer advertising bullshit though (that probably got way more funding hah)

[–] [email protected] 46 points 1 week ago (6 children)

I did research on this years ago

You are generally more successful in giving someone a fixed choice vs an open choice. Ex: “would you like chicken nuggets or a hamburger” has much more likelihood of a successful response than “what would you like for dinner”, which is more likely to elicit something like “I don’t know”

We think we want abundance of choice but in actuality we typically seem to find it overwhelming

[–] [email protected] 54 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

the advertising was garbage but it was the time that the electronics industry decided that the coolest possible move was to make everything in colorful translucent plastic, which was objectively cooler than the cold heartless metal that everything is made of now. It’s inoffensive and appeals to everyone I guess but it also sucks in comparison if you liked your extreme green gameboy pocket

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

counselor/mental health

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago


I’m not sure what the rules are about recommendations of specific providers here as you’ve said but I can certainly write about my experiences with providers

Emu streams is my current provider and they’re decent. The EPG is complete for us channels but not for some of the foreign stuff or for 4k. They have a pretty extensive vod library but the quality ranges, sometimes it’s 4k but sometimes it’s 480p, mostly 1080p, almost none of it has subtitles (but the channels do). I think they just grabbed shows as they came out and never updated them. Buffering is uncommon but does happen sometimes. I don’t watch sports but my partner does; the Super Bowl 4k stream had lots of buffering but the 1080 stream was perfect and basketball games work fine. Pricing was about 70cad for 7 months when I got it and they accepted paypal and crypto

I also tried earl hickeys iptv, very similar experience but more issues with buffering and not as many channels. However pricing was extremely attractive, 35gbp for 12mo

And not via that forum but another provider I found via a private tracker called media solutions that is similar to emu. Less issues with buffering but pricing and most responsive to support via telegram but priciest. I don’t remember the pricing offhand but like $140usd a year or so?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago

So you definitely can’t go there easily but Gerald Hough is who does a lot of research on the abilities of homing pigeons and is available via email if you had specific questions


Is his bio and email

[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

if you’re really interested in pigeon behavior Rowan university in New Jersey has a pigeon lab for studying avian communication and cognition

[–] [email protected] 24 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I’ve tried 4 iptv providers for long term subs and evaluated a ton more. They’ve all been okay but none were amazing so I keep trying new ones when my sub runs out

My basic thing is this: if they don’t offer a trial I don’t fuck with them. If the epg is totally fucked or the buffering on channels I watch is atrocious during the trial I don’t bother. If that’s all good I buy a month and see how it goes. I do this because I’m pretty sure some have better servers for trials, or maybe I just got lucky during the trial period, because during the month service goes to shit sometimes. If the month is good I’ll extend it longer

I’ve never found one with a complete EPG. I’ve found ones with complete epgs for us channels (my current one has this) but international channels, raw 4k streams, etc? They always have no EPG

https://forum.iptvinsider.org/ is the best forum I’ve found for this but as you’ve said it’s a nightmare to browse and absolute garbage. It does at least have some user reviews but I ultimately don’t trust them too much and go with the above

[–] [email protected] 67 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Short links are bullshit anyway. Don’t obfuscate where you’re sending me, that’s sketch. That’s phishing email behavior. Just because you don’t want me to erase all the tracking bullshit from url. Soon I won’t be able to anyway because most sites are starting to embed it into the url anyway. Fuck you and fuck the internet

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