Is there a reason you're not planning on migrating both mail and calendar to Tuta?
Oh wow I also somehow read it backwards! I even took me reading the comment two more times after reading yours to realize it
Am I weird for mistaking this for "bookmarks from the year 1679" and thinking that was the point of the meme?
holy i didn't realize that it was in the title
holy shit I think you're right! I feel like I've seen your claim somewhere else
You are correct. 他 for he, and 她 for she. However since they all sound the same, they're only distinguished in writing.
Not as interesting as the others, but here goes...
and I think the ROC government in exhile in Taiwan stopped using it.
Actually it is still used. It's everywhere in legal documents, government documents and stuff. Though people more commonly say 2024 instead of 民國113年.
This is obviously not that feasible, but if you have the money (and the energy to learn Chinese), you could move to Taiwan. The first in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. Discrimination based on sexual orientation is constitutionally prohibited.
This Wikipedia page might be helpful to you on your journey to a place with better LGBTQ rights:
I love how this implies that spiders have something to gain from invading your pants
Sometimes I wonder how some people look at a topic and know that there is a relevant xkcd and exactly which one.