Writing Wikipedia articles about topics I'm interested in. Great way to learn more and share it with others.
Huh. I saw cashback many years ago on tv or something but could never figure out the name even after a lot of googling. And here we are I've finally found it thanks to you. Maybe I'll give it another watch. For a long time I've thought about the thing of not looking at the clock when doing unpleasant activities. Thanks!
Woohoo! I think the fix for iOS audiobooks that I helped (well asked enough questions that someone else then fixed quickly) bring into the world! https://blog.rayberger.org/fixing-jellyfin-ios-audiobook-streaming
What do you mean it doesn't support repeated tasks? I have bunch of monthly tasks that show up once per month.
Thanks these are definitely a step in the direction of what I'm looking for!
However, I'm more interested in the GitHub specific stuff like comments on issues and pull requests opened and labels changed. That sort of thing to see what is being worked on.
Looks nice but I wish the clipboard history could be based on number of items and not just time.
This is so freaking cool thanks for sharing! Would be cool if the author auto kept a gallery of before and after for each place to show how much it is improving places.
Also, I gotta say it must be crazy for someone to live in one of these little towns that's barely on the map and then one day they open whatever map app and boom everything is there! They probably just shake their head and say "technology..."
Wow that's excellent progress! Keep up the good work :)
Appreciate the kind words :)
Heck that I love to see it! How was it getting into the code base for the first time?
The little fix I contributed to is on there :) https://blog.rayberger.org/fixing-jellyfin-ios-audiobook-streaming
Seems like a nice option to have! FFsend is my go to https://github.com/timvisee/ffsend