
joined 2 years ago
[–] rbos 2 points 9 hours ago

I mean, yeah. We buy our eggs from a local farm. It's pretty great, they deliver it straight to my partner's workplace every week or two. Most eggs are torture-eggs, and we won't buy the Costco egg whites on that basis. However, my point is that "eggs by the gallon" is not farfetched!

[–] rbos 3 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

I've seen Costco selling egg whites by the litre carton. Gallons wouldn't be farfetched for restaurant supply.

[–] rbos 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

Analysts have predicted 100 of the last 5 crashes, remember. Call heads long enough and it'll be true eventually.

[–] rbos 6 points 4 days ago (1 children)

They're fantastic plates. We have a set, still have some of the ones I swiped from my parents when I moved out.

A company that makes the exact same size plates 40 years later is okay in my book. They stack great.

[–] rbos 2 points 4 days ago

Our apartment building has a bucket in the lobby for old batteries. Those go to the recycling place every year or whenever anyone is going that way.

[–] rbos 15 points 5 days ago (3 children)

That sounds like something a bat would say.

[–] rbos 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Sure, if you a) keep mammals around and b) drink their milk. I'm not convinced domesticated animals have been a thing for all that long, evolutionarily. Long enough for some groups to have adapted, sure. We have adaptations for cooked food, too.

[Searches] Cattle probably around 10k years ago.

[–] rbos 9 points 6 days ago (3 children)

I would guess that humans have been around for what, 250k years? And that the vast majority of that didn't involve a whole lot of milk after age 4.

So it wouldn't have been to much advantage to be able to metabolize lactose.

[–] rbos 69 points 1 week ago (1 children)
[–] rbos 4 points 1 week ago

I could see it also being a problem if you're trying to remove a cable with a stuck latch. Wiggle it around a bit, accidentally hold down the button... oops

[–] rbos 29 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Historically, as I understand it, what they would drink would be pretty weak ABV. 2-3%. Barely beer at all. It'd be plenty hydrating.

[–] rbos 3 points 1 week ago

Remember it spawning a bunch of copycats? For a while every community had their own code block. I wrote one for a usenet group i was in at the time.

alt.sysadmin and alt.sysadmin.recovery both had em iirc...


This is a pretty cool event. $100 for basic, $150 for VIP. We really enjoyed it last year.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by rbos to c/classicwow

I'm having a bit of struggle tanking (prot paladin) Vek'linash. I'm able to hold threat on him fine, but unbalancing strike (-100 defense) rocks me pretty hard, since I keep getting scarabs on me, which eats up all my HS charges and I'm pretty sure that's pushing me into crittable range as well as crushable.

I've taken consecrate off my bars and de-runed HotR for exorcism, but I keep getting the scarabs too, and then get rocked down to 20% health.

Any advice? I've stacked as much +def as I can and am using Greater Stoneshields and armour elixirs as well as the usual suite of ALL THE CONSUMABLES.

submitted 4 months ago by rbos to c/[email protected]

Today's bake. 30g gluten flour, 270g sprouted whole spelt flour, 700g AP flour, 80g wheat germ. 850g water, 150g starter.

Added in 50g flax soaked 100g water, 50g chiaseed 100g water, 50g each sunflower and pumpkin seeds. 30g salt. Topped with black sesame seeds.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by rbos to c/vancouver

As subject. In Gastown, a plane flew over putting out rainbow contrail. Why? O_o

Some festival?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by rbos to c/thelongdark

Splitsie's Scrapyard Engineers scenario is pretty great, I've been enjoying it, and if you haven't tried it, it's worth a crack.

The concept is that you basically don't get refiners or assemblers, and only a limited number of blocks you can make. Everything else, you have to find from wreckage strewn about the landscape. The goal is to get to space.

In addition to the base modpack, I strongly recommend Improvised Experimentation. The author also recommends it, but tunes down the carry weight so that you have to use cranes more. I didn't, but a crane is still extremely useful.

Post-war Dutch music (self.thenetherlands)
submitted 8 months ago by rbos to c/[email protected]

Apologies for the English, my monolingualism is entirely my own fault at this point.

The tldr: my grandmother grew up during WW2 in the occupied Netherlands, and migrated to Canada in the 1950s in her 20s.

She is likely in the stages of early dementia, and one of the recommendations for dementia patients is to find music that they'd likely enjoyed as teenagers or young adults. I'd like to see if I can find something that fits that rough description. I expect I can make do with the English catalogue of classic rock and country from that time, but it'd be nice to find something a little different.

Can someone make any broad recommendations for popular Dutch music from the 1950s? Ideally, something I can find in mp3 format, but I'm willing to spend some money.

submitted 9 months ago by rbos to c/[email protected]

Officially out!

There's a video trailer, too.

submitted 9 months ago by rbos to c/thelongdark
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