Quick share works on all phones now. Google's nearby share was renamed to quick share. And there's also a windows client now
joined 2 years ago
Seems like they ~~developed it for~~ arbitrarily locked it down to specific browsers using the user agent.
Thats the packaging
Whats the point of containers if third party cookies are blocked?
How do you scan images for content without infringing on the privacy of users?
we opted out of ad tracking so it could not tell what we were doing outside of the app
The question is: where does the money go to?
3 years of security updates for 500€ is just not enough. Cool if its repairable but I'd prefer a phone with more updates than a repairable one.
Choose to because otherwise they get kicked from the family?
Right, forgot AAAA was the new norm
Every OS has this feature (including DEs like KDE)