I thought you saved power because the e-cores are more efficient for the same workload?
Keepass/KeepssXC/KeepassDX (password manager for desktop)
Syncthing to synchronize database between devices.
There is the automatic caption feature which works great in my experience.
Replace www by old in the url to access old reddit
I thought this was illegal in most countries
I got two drives with one being nvme1pX and the other nvme2pX and I don't know why but they just swap names sometime. I'm new to linux though so it may be some misconfiguration on my part and I rarely need to access them with their name.
A yes, my beloved nvme1p2 partition that changes name every reboot
I hope this is gonna become a new meme template
I hope it was clear enough
The axis is somewhat misleading. A jump from 8k to 11k installs is nothing.
Edit: just saw from the comments this is the number of installs per day so its bigger than I thought
It doesn't matter where the servers are located physically but who can access the data that's on them
The good ones are mostly pc ports (dead cells, stardew vally)