Bro you are dense. I can say water is wet when I'm asked a completely different question, doesn't change the fact that doesn't have anything to do with the question asked. I didn't bring up if free speech is applied to private spaces, that's an entirely different comment that nobody said, we already know the answer, hence why it wasn't asked. I asked why you specifically, don't think that should apply, which is why I asked that. You didn't read correctly, and was asked three times now and are still avoiding the question for some reason, you either do or don't support it and you are avoiding stating either which is the whole fucking point of this thread, and now it's a waste of time because you don't want to share your opinion for the sake of downvotes?
You didn't even know what a pgp key was before this convo or read receipts, you have no idea what you're talking about. This is not a real problem and is already solved with outbox emails.
Your personal email server doesn’t count, because you can alter the log to show whatever you want. Nobody is going to take your word for it.
Falsifying evidence is a crime.
Manager tells worker they need to cover an emergency on the weekend, worker claims they never received the message.
Lol then the manager will say "why did you not respond", it's on the worker. They're not going to pull up a fucking blockchain, they're going to pull out their phone and say "see, I sent you this".
Business wants to cancel a work order, contractor shows up and says they weren’t properly notified of the cancellation.
That's the contractors fault. Blockchain is irrelevant. If they didn't check their email, they're sure as hell not going to check a dumb ass blockchain.
They know they sent you the message, even if you delete it or otherwise pretend they didn’t.
Crazy, I wonder how they know that? Maybe because they know they pressed the "send" button, and it's the other party's responsibility to accept.
Again, none of these situations need a dumb fucking blockchain.
You do understand that not every blockchain system is public, right?
think we need to solve this with some regex. Do they accept wild card * ?
ah just rolls off the tongue doesn't it
it's literally the whole topic of the thread you're replying to, you just misread it
okay chatgpt, that's what you want me to believe anyways...
I like to walk slow for the roleplay
where the rpm file at then
This is such an obscure situation that doesn't even need to be solved with blockchain. Look at the article being posted. "Messaging network for safer communications", which now apparently turns to just a single situation where a lawyer needs to send a time sensitive email and needs to prove it was sent? Which again, doesn't actually even solve the problem. In this case, your blockchain ponzi scheme email can easily get caught by a spam filter. You've now turned the use case to some global read receipt system, which is dumb as hell and something nobody needs.
This use case literally does not exist. It can also be solved by a simple email server. A business that wants to keep logs of all their messages being sent out or received can store everything on their server with inbound or outbound emails. If in the super extreme scenario where a lawyer sends an email and the counsel ignores it, they can get in a lot of legal trouble for lying and would just get delayed. They lawyer can also prove they sent an outbound copy on their email server. What do you think needs to be "auditable" in communication? A business sending a damn receipt does not need this solution, that's the end user for their email being valid. A lawyer sending private documents to each other want the literal last thing to be on a fucking public cloud server that is invisibly accessible by any fucking third party. Do you hear yourself? Are you a real person??
Literally none of these obscure scenarios you're trying to come up with even need a blockchain solution. You should recognize how hard you're trying to justify this as it being a dumb fuck solution. Despite all these issues you're apparently inventing, we use our existing technology every day and none of these are issues. You're coming off more like ChatGPT then a normal person.
Yes there is??? Do you know what a read receipt is?
Again, storing messages on the blockchain is a fucking terrible idea. I don't need to store the dumb memes my friends send to each other eternally on the blockchain, nor does anyone give a shit. If it's important enough to want to be saved, you do this new technique called a damn backup.
I don't want to open myself up to my key getting hacked and my entire life history's messages getting leaked. I don't want to open myself to someone stealing my device where my key is stored and having indefinite access to all my past, present, and future data. I don't want to leave my data publicly available with all the metadata and message sizes to see for any unknown third parry, and to who is being sent what to whom. I don't want to be vulnerable to potential encryption breaking techniques in the future. I don't want to deal with the gas cost, the huge amount of latency that would make real time chat unviable, and the insane amount of overhead to solve an already solved problem with an objectively worse solution in every possible way.
These are problems that don't need to be solved with blockchain. Every problem you're suggesting has been solved decades ago and for absolutely free. You are dense as hell and aren't even attempting to look at the already existing technology that has already solved this. Fuck out of here crypto bro.
on mastodon, saying anything as a guy is mansplaining
Just physically say 2SLGBTQI+ out loud and hear how ridiculous that sounds.