
joined 2 years ago
[–] rekabis 10 points 17 hours ago (2 children)

Mixed zoning is what makes neighbourhoods walkable and liveable and truly desirable for a much wider range of working-class people from all backgrounds and family sizes; not just the white, upper-class, monoculture-focused, and conformance-obsessed NIMBYs.

[–] rekabis 24 points 17 hours ago (6 children)

My own property is being extensively reworked to produce a majority of our vegetables. We have already put about 185m² 2,000ft²) under direct cultivation in the back yard, and intend to wrap that garden around the entire property to the full 400m² (4.300ft²) available.

In the end, I don’t expect to have a single blade of grass on the property. It’ll all be flowers, fruiting trees and canes and bushes, and vegetables. All done in a modified Ruth Stout method, with a variation of flat-ground Hügelkultur thrown in.

Let’s just say that Bylaw is already pissed off with me, and I’m not even halfway done yet.

[–] rekabis 5 points 5 days ago

Spot Ads, […] says the advertisement does not violate its standards.

There are rules, and there are ethics.

Is it lawful to put up a sign like this? Sure.

Is it right? Nnnnnnope.

We should make things as financially painful for this company as possible. Scope out all of their signs, then do a blitz across their clientele, accusing them of going with an anti-Canadian advertiser. Try and make this hit the news, with those other businesses being “interviewed”. Hit them right in the pocketbook.

[–] rekabis 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

In order for markup to generate a correctly-formatted bullet list, it needs to see the asterisk as something other than an italics mark - so you put a space between the asterisk and the text.

So going,


Makes the system think you want italicized text.


* text

Makes the system realize that you want to generate a bullet point list. All you have to do is leave one blank line before the list proper,

  • and
  • the
  • list
  • will
  • be
  • bulleted.
[–] rekabis 2 points 6 days ago

You can format bullet points better by having a space between the bullet and the text.

Actually, that is how you trigger markup to create a proper bullet list.

With no spaces, you have to explicitly put a blank line between every “bullet point” item to keep them from paragraphing into one large block. With the spaces, proper formatting will take over and no blank line is needed to keep each individual bullet point item on it’s own line.

[–] rekabis 22 points 1 week ago (5 children)

plants grown from seed don't bear the same fruit

Temperate-zone seed fruit like apples and pears rarely look, taste, and feel like their genetic parents.

Temperate-zone stone fruit, on the other hand - think peaches, apricots, cherries, etc. - are quite different. You plant one of those seeds, and it will bear fruit that is (usually) indistinguishable from the parent tree that the seed came from.

Now, Apple and pear trees are grafted for both cloning of the fruiting section as well as good rootstock. But most stone fruit grafting has cloning only as a secondary consideration - they are grafted mostly to be joined onto well-proven, high-quality rootstock that can produce lots of sap and confer resistance to certain diseases.

Source: am orchardist.

[–] rekabis 18 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I have used the same web browser, in terms of ideology, codebase, and heritage, for nearly a third of a century, now.

NCSA Mosaic -> Netscape -> Phoenix/Firebird/Firefox.

I now hew more to alternates such as LibreWolf and Floorp, but I still run Firefox EME-Free as my default.

[–] rekabis 15 points 1 week ago

I think the rest of NATO should eagerly take him up on his offer… sans the resignation. Because Ukraine needs Zelenskyy at this point.

That alone would enrage Putin and his KGB puppet currently sitting in the Oval Office.

And then the rest of NATO can go completely weapons-free at Russia and Belarus.

[–] rekabis 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Finally, someone has crunched the numbers.


  • go for all massacres under 6 people
  • extend to Canada
  • extend to America

This should be crowd-sourced for added financial support.

[–] rekabis 21 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

When the cost of disobeying a direct order during “wartime” is prison or even execution, most soldiers will obey.

Especially since most of the American military is deeply conservative and ChristoFascist in the first place.

[–] rekabis 73 points 1 week ago (7 children)

And so his purge of bipartisan and democratic leaders of the military allows him to ensconce lackeys that won’t question or refuse orders to invade other countries, like Canada.

People keep on saying that America won’t invade other countries, like Panama or Canada. THIS IS WHY THEY WILL BE ABLE TO DO SO.

[–] rekabis 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

The only copyright I would ever support is for a content creator to “own” a piece such that they can claim the exclusive rights to say “I created this”, and for them to directly profit off of that work so long as they were adequately servicing demand for that work.

So if a novelist kept their materials in print - or, at least, had a contract with a publishing house that would ensure that anyone could purchase a copy at any time - that novelist wouldn’t have their work return to the public domain until they died, or until a decade after initial publication, whichever happened last.

But any work could be “challenged” by having a separate individual or org put forth a request for a limited production run, in order to demonstrate any shortfall in supply. If that run doesn’t demonstrate shortfall (with the current producer keeping production unchanged), they would have to hand over all profits to the current rights holder. But if there is a shortfall, they can become an authorized second producer, capable of keeping a slice of the profits. And if no demand is being satisfied at all, the work can be returned to the public domain for anyone to satisfy market demand without restriction.

And note: any and all copyright could only be held by an individual, or by a group of individuals who were all directly involved with the creation of the work. Companies would be wholly ineligible for owning any copyright. And copyrights could not be pre-transferred by any workplace agreement… only post-creation agreements could be made on a per-creation basis, and would need to be ratified by an anticapitalist, bipartisan clearing institution. Creators could lease said creations to their employers, but would have extra protections against revenge actions by their employer.


And I’m talking about all fascists directly involved in the current coup, from Musky-boy and the DOJ appointee Ed Martin all the way down to the individual DOGE staffers.

At some point, America is going to have it’s own version of the Nuremberg trials, and there needs to be some sort of shadow archival records system that can reliably emerge out the far end with sufficient evidence to make these monsters hang.


Under capitalism, envisioning a shift away from fossil fuels is more difficult by the day.


Looks like Roblaw’s at it again… robbing the working class to keep obscene profits rolling to the Parasite Class. And I bet the farmer who raised those turkeys get only a few dollars per.


This happens both on a feed as well as within a thread.

Happens both on my direct instance as well as on a random instance out there.

I go to scroll, and there is a nearly one-second pause before the screen jumps to where I have scrolled. If I start very slowly, there is no pause, but I am talking about an unreasonably slow start to the scroll.

Working with an iPhone 15 Pro Max, hardware limitations should not be in play here.

Working with the latest version of Avalon.

Curious if I am the only one.


I have seen these before, but for the life of me I cannot seem to recall what they are called or what they’re for.

Google search - especially image search, where I’m trying to bring up similar items - is now a total potato and seemingly capped at one screen of results in a secure and sanitized browser.


When I bring up an image by itself, I can do a long press on the image and get the app Safari drop-down interface (see attached), which gives me (along with other tools) the option to download the image to my camera roll or to copy the image for pasting elsewhere.

Unfortunately, the Avelon app blocks this action entirely.

If there is a workaround, it gives no indication as to what it is, forcing the user to thrash around and discover the box with the out/up arrow in the lower right.

If there is a way to whitelist this behaviour, there is also no way to inform the user on what setting they need to adjust.

At any rate, this is a noticeably frustrating suboptimal UI/UX, and should be addressed.


This is why Galen West is a card-carrying member of the Parasite Class.

And yes, I confirmed the no-shipments, zero-stock with the store manager. 5 days and counting with no stock so far, when the sale started there was maybe 12-24 bottles for 128,000 residents in the city.


I have been trying to create a post in the Canada community. Scuttlebutt is that the post limit was set to 10,000 characters, but has since been set to 50,000 characters. My post has 9961 UTF-8 characters (9969 characters overall, 8396 characters excluding spaces) and when I hit submit the submission never completes.

The Rot Economy (
submitted 2 years ago by rekabis to c/food_for_thought

I particularly enjoy how Google got savaged:

Google has a similar yet slightly different story, where their core product - search - has gone from a place where you find information to an increasingly-manipulated labyrinth of SEO-optimized garbage shipped straight from the content factories.

Google no longer provides the “best” result or answer to your query - it provides the answer that it believes is most beneficial or profitable to Google. Google Search provides a “free” service, but the cost is a source of information corrupted by a profit-seeking entity looking to manipulate you into giving money to the profit-seeking entities that pay them.

The system almost 100% works as intended! But it doesn’t work for me. It doesn’t work for you. It doesn’t work for a vast majority of human beings across the globe. But yet it absolutely works as intended for the Parasite Class, the 0.01% at the very top.

And this is why it’s a cancer of our society. Until it has been excised and replaced with something more humane, human civilization is doomed to collapse. You cannot have an economic ideology that demands infinite growth on a planet with finite resources.


In late June 2021 a heatwave of unprecedented magnitude impacted the Pacific Northwest region of Canada and the United States. Many locations broke all-time maximum temperature records by more than 5℃, and the Canadian national temperature record was broken by 4.6℃, with a new record temperature of 49.6℃. Here, we provide a comprehensive summary of this event and its impacts. Upstream diabatic heating played a key role in the magnitude of this anomaly. Weather forecasts provided advanced notice of the event, while sub-seasonal forecasts showed an increased likelihood of a heat extreme with lead times of 10-20 days. The impacts of this event were catastrophic, including hundreds of attributable deaths across the Pacific Northwest, mass-mortalities of marine life, reduced crop and fruit yields, river flooding from rapid snow and glacier melt, and a substantial increase in wildfires—the latter contributing to landslides in the months following. These impacts provide examples we can learn from and a vivid depiction of how climate change can be so devastating.


There's no rhyme or reason to the way we publicly fund health services in Canada: six per cent of dental care, 40 per cent of home care in long term care, 50 of drugs, nothing for hearing aids or glasses or contraception. Where's the logic there? As a result, we have the least universal healthcare system in the world. Ponder that for a second. The least universal healthcare system in the world. Not something to be proud of. Medicare does cover everyone, but it covers everyone inadequately. Stated simply, what's wrong with Canadian health care today is that we're trying to deliver 21st-century care with a 1950s model of delivery and funding. We have an Edsel, but we need a Tesla. And my point here is that we need modernization.

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