Have you ever written a program or simply used a terminal?
It's quite strange, I've been downloading torrents for more years than I can count, and I upload them from time to time, and I've always had the worry myself of how to name torrents: with dots? underscores? dashes? (although with spaces is definitely not an option).
I've even asked the questions on several forums and upload sites, read tutorials on these same sites etc and every time I've asked the answer has been: THERE IS NO STANDARD, even on the tutorials, I've never seen anything mentioned such a thing.
All this to say that I'm making a meme, and after so many years, this is the first time I've heard of a Warez scene, and several times in the same comments!, curious, isn't it? I wish I'd heard about it before.
Spaces are a headache whenever you're not using a graphical interface.
My question is always the same, how the heck do you get an invitation for these sites?
No worries, and as I was saying, that's why I've shared the article through my site, without ads
What generally does HOT and what I might find useful, is to map pre-conflict imagery, to then have a historial/comparison of the situation
I shared the article through my link precisely because the site is "overly bloated" with ads...
If that's a problem, no trouble, I'll share the original links from now on!
I've just tested it and it's pretty impressive.
- It continues to display children's results
- It found my face in a photo of a crowd of about 300 people, in a video!
I would even add...