The metadata is really important especially if you or anyone you talk to ends up being targeted. 95% of intelligence work is mapping out adversaries' communications networks..if you have that, you don't need to decrypt the contents because you already know who is talking to who. The federation of metadata alone is reason to avoid matrix for anything important.
I think approaching a situation like yours with kindness doesn't require breaking the prime directive though. There's a big difference between "you're trans and should start transitioning" and "wow, that reminds me of how I felt when I was figuring my gender stuff out." The former is what a therapist did to me, immediately trying to push medical transition on me the second I mentioned any gender feelings, after which I never saw her again. The latter might have been useful to me in a way that respected my own journey.
Sure, was that therapist "right" in terms of me socially transitioning and starting hormones about a year later? Yeah. But, she was wrong to think it was appropriate to push my timeline and had I listened to her I fear I would have been plagued with doubts that my transness was rooted in that therapist's opinion rather than my own lived truth.
There are dozens of us!
I think email gets a bad rap for difficulty of hosting. So long as you get your DMARC, DKIM, RDNS, SPF, etc right, it's reasonably forgiving. Need to take server down for maintenance? No worries- any mail that couldn't be delivered will be resent in a few minutes/hours/days.
Harder than hosting a simple website? Yes. Rocket surgery? No.
This is pretty terrible advice. We have absolutely no way of knowing that America will "jerk back in 2 and 4 years." The future is unwritten, full stop. It may be much better than we imagine. However, we ignore warnings and threats to or survival at our peril.
Currently, trans people in the U.S. are under attack by our government. Hundreds of anti-trans bills have been submitted and passed by state governments in the past few years, including bills that carry large fines or jail sentences either for bathroom use or for "cross-dressing" in public.
Florida has a law on the books that would make it "fraud" for me to show my California ID, which shows my legal gender on it. The penalty for fraud is a prison sentence that I would serve in men's prison, where trans women are routinely brutalized by both guards and inmates (look up "z coding" if you have the stomach for it).
That is where we stood before Trump took office and the tide shows no sign of turning. Indeed, we now have every major media outlet and social media network normalizing anti-trans rhetoric, leaving us with absolutely no reason to believe that things are going to change for the better any time soon. Hell, with the current EO, it's unclear whether my passport will be revoked if I try to leave.
Repressive regimes don't overthrow democracy and open camps all in one day. It's a slow, tired slog of tiny trespasses, each accompanied by a chorus of onlookers telling the targets that they're overreacting and that nothing truly bad can ever happen. It has happened time and time and time again throughout history. We have every reason to believe that it will happen again (and again and again...) in the future.
I don't know where everything will lie in the U.S. in a year, in 5 years, in 10 years. Neither do you or anyone else who claims they do. But I know this: there are mass graves throughput the world full of people who thought it could never happen to them and there are millions of onlookers who did nothing except be certain it could never get that bad.
Interesting. The screenshots shared with me by a friend:
Given the corporate media sane-washing and general kissing of the ring, I choose to believe what has been shared with me directly over the "actchually, it was an awkward gesture of exuberance" milquetoast media.
Especially when the list looks like this:
Hastags that have also apparently been blocked from user experiences. Will keep updating. Range is worldwide.
"#voteblue" (#votered remains unaffected)
"#dnc" (#rnc remains unaffected)
"#fucktrump" (#fuckbiden remains unaffected)
"#democrat" (#republican remains unaffected)
"#14thamendment "
"#republicans" (with an s)
That is not a "glitch."
You're going to likely interpret the following as snark or more anger, but I promise you it's not. I ask the following in good faith: if you encounter folks who believe that large corporations, generally, and the use of proprietary software/hardware by those corporations, specifically, are having harmful effects on humanity, do you expect those folks to respond without emotion when those subjects are broached? If so, why? Is it because you disagree with their assessment harm or is it because you believe that anger is never acceptable? Something else perhaps?
There are those who believe that even when confronting brutality and viscous exploitation, those who stand in opposition may only politely ask for change. Some other folks believe that these calls for restraint serve only to uphold and support the exploiters and the brutalizers.
You seem to be coming from a good place and your desire to get away from reddit probably reflects a belief that there's something wrong there. But maybe take a step back and ask yourself if there's a good reason that people seem angry?
It's not copium, it's just an acknowledgment that I, and presumably many others, don't care or need to care if it's popular- it is already useful to me as is. In the same way, I've never given much of a shit about "the year of Linux on the desktop"; Linux has been useful to me as a daily driver for the past 28-ish years and neither my enjoyment of it nor its utility to me were in any way hampered by its failure to achieve supremacy of numbers.
It's fine to use something other than the most popular service.
Now, if you think the purpose of federated social media is solely to supplant the corporate, centralized platforms, then I understand, but disagree with, your position.
Your decisions are your own, obviously. I don't know where you live, but in many places, DIY might be your better option for hormones. Given the state of things where I am (U.S.), I honestly regret going 'legit' and changing my documents sometimes. For a few hundred dollars, you can acquire everything you need for a lifetime supply of estrogen. This means never having to rely on a doctor or other gatekeeper to allow you to be who you know you are or giving you so little of the hormones you need that you are living in a perpetual state of perimenopause. It does seem scary, but the truth is everyone has unregulated amounts of hormones in their body. Happy to chat more about DIY or trans stuff via DM if you like.
To directly answer your question, if the standard answers like Folkx or Galileo don't work for you, you may want to visit some local queer spaces and ask around. Folks who are already navigating this stuff will know what's around and who's trustworthy already.
Also, congratulations!