17 million pound tofu brick
yesy yes thanks mozzilla i love logging in to work on monday morning to find a new homepage with "thought provoking stories" about:
- jannik sinner being op
- who is still using floppy disks, by geopop.it
- best pictures about the chinese new year celebrations in italy, from viaggi.corriere.it
- how the new trash tax works, by today.it
- NBA players that are also rappers (😱😱😱 thanks mozzilla I almost missed this one!)
- 5 types of incense to remove negative energies from your home
...and a whole number of other useless slop I will never open and I will never care about. I hate enshittification so fucking much
I am in a similar position, yes. I've resisted for so many years, but Instagram right now is the only place where some of the local organizations I'm interested in post. Clubs, town events, even leftist social centers who are usually sensible to online privacy and megacorp dependence sometimes only have an instagram or facebook page.
Right now I have a text note with the urls to the websites of the instagram pages that don't have a newsletter/RSS feed. And another note with the link to their instagram pages, that I sometimes check out. Luckily you still don't necessarily need to login to access an account's recent posts from the browser, so as long as you periodically clear your cookies, a browser will do.
I also have been trying to convince some of these pages to create an account on Mastodon or use Gancio, if available. Even a Telegram channel would suffice. Some of them (two) did, but stopped to update it after a few months because most reach comes from facebook/instagram and they won't bother to post stuff on another platform
It depends on what you want to edit :P if you just need the basics (sketching, filetrs, resizing, cropping, converting, combining, etc), try ImageToolbox
Correct. It's from https://fedidb.org/, if you scroll down the main page you can find the Software User Distribution pie
The markdown version of that post: https://pastecode.io/s/jdcy039w (you can copy-paste it over the current post body, to preserve formatting and inline links)
Ever since I was a kid, my family had this electric bathroom warmer which has been my best friend for a lot of time. For 15 years, it has been the main reason for me to quickly wake up during school and work days. I needed the warmth and the white noise, even during summer. A few years ago I decided to "quit", because it started too feel a little like an addiction, and not being able to spend at least 10 minutes in front of this thing would mean ruin the entire morning. Quitting wasn't that hard, of course, but ever since I quit I have a severe problem with snoozing alarms. I need at least 30 minutes to wake up, rested or not rested it doesn't matter, I just cannot help myself to step off off the bed as soon as the alarm rings. Tbh I do not see this as a serious problem, cause lukily it doesn't fuck with my usual daily scehdule, but I will soon try to roll up my sleeves and see if I can improve my alarm2bathroom time
solo anfetamine per me grazie