Beach? Alligators don't like saltwater. They like lakes and rivers and such. Maybe he was swimming in a lake. Lakes wouldn't have lifeguards.
Also, anyone in Florida knows you don't swim in lakes. You treat all bodies of water as if they have a gator in them.
Granted, we're talking about an idiot that would swim with alligators. So that part might be true, but a lot of this story is suspect to me.
I've decided go big or go home.
I saw an OLED in person at my local big-box retailer, the LG 39GS95QE. A 39in ultrawide. The pixel density is pretty close to that of my existing LED monitors. I never was a fan of the curve until I saw it on an ultrawide; it only seems to make sense to me on an ultrawide.
They have it in 45in but that would be too big for my space, too big for my arm mount, and would reduce the PPI to something around 85? All those drawbacks don't seem to be worth it for me as I do use my monitor for productivity more than gaming.
So that's where I'm leaning now.