By this definition I'd be closer to an introvert, but compared to my wife I'm extrovert as fuck. Would definitely say there is no hard rule.
This is a very uninformed comment, but isn't the social security tax essentially capped at earnings of 100k? Like if I make 200k a year I pay in the same as someone making 100k?
Isn't it dumb that if I Google "Amazon" the top result is their ad and the next is the same link without the ad? Would make way more sense for the Amazon's ad to be the top result if I googled "Wal-Mart"
Like a random intrusive ad? No, but when I Google something simply to go to their website and their ad is the top result I often decide if I like them more or less than Google before deciding to click the ad link vs the regular search link (I assume they pay Google a little extra for ad clicks). Amazon gets the ad click most others do not.
Dog? It's an okay name I guess
I can't remember the specifics well enough to state anything as fact, I'm pretty sure we had something on campaign finance that disappeared after voter approval, and I know we had a ballot initiative on minimum wage that they reworked after the fact into something better than many places, but not quite what was voted on. Marijuana felt like they straight manipulated rules and it disappeared with their reasoning being that it technically was more than one rule at once.
Even if my poor explanations aren't great, I can state as a fact that our voter pool seems to not care at all that their elected officials don't give two shits about their interests. I know plenty actually do, but our averages voter just looks for the R
And minimum wage laws, and campaign finance laws, we show up to for the ballot measures, but not for the people in office.
Edit: or we're perfectly happy voting for people that go against our voting interests. It's horrible either way
One of the dumber parts of this is that, prior to Roe vs Wade being overturned, SD had an abortion ban on the ballot twice since (guessing here) 2006 and voters voted it down both times. Roe v Wade gets overturned and our elected officials immediately enact they're own rules and now we have to fight for our rights back. I hate that our state still votes for Kristi and others like her, but hopefully we can get a little win bank this year.
Always have to vote for the furthest left that has a chance to win and hope enough others follow suit. Our system sucks, but the biggest thing holding us back is how far right the country currently is. Even though depressing, your attitude is currently our best shot and I appreciate that you're one of the seemingly few on this platform willing to voice it.
I don't typically have memories of being on the toilet, maybe memories of something that happened while there, but my brain leaves the toilet part out....
This one was subtle enough I'm counting it. Took me thirty seconds of not understanding the joke before suddenly realizing I lost
Pumping blood to your organs even though you are fat!