I have a semi rule with trends like this (cause I did get tired of the jeans already). I watch the usernames and if I see is consistently one out two posters I'll just block them, but in this scenario it's a whole bunch so I just say, I must be getting old and move on lol
I thought they meant everything that exists has been shipped as in delivered somewhere and was fairly confused because drugs were the only thing I could think of that someone may be surprised have been delivered by an actual shipping company
My issue is I want to complete all the side quests but don't want to save them till the end so I try to mix them in as I go, slowly start to lose interest in the game and even tho I put in 150 plus hours I never finish the main story line....
That's why I came here initially, but I miss some reddit communities enough I'd go back if their app wasn't trash. Here I get too many star trek and DnD memes, constant reminders I'm not as good of a person as I thought, and Linux posts.
I am going to guess you are not American. Our system is kind of fucked I'll admit, but at the moment it appears our options will be Biden or Trump. Knowing what you know who would you vote for? In our current system a third party vote used to be the signal of "our two party system sucks." But in the present world it feels like we're stuck with either meet and the middle and hope or burn it all to the ground.
I'm here, but would still be on reddit if their app didn't suck compared to what I was used to before the API purge. I still prefer reddit's content, but hate how I have to view it now so I'm here with y'all trying to blend in.
Taking my top off? It's what our do regardless of who I woke up as though.
Might miss out on a one time deal that locks your price for a year, but even if its fifteen bucks for a month to catch up on things I want to watch I'm fine switching services each month.
Just get the service for a month and drop it after catching up on the things you want. I keep it so I can watch bluey with my daughter, but I rotate most of my services.
So what is the best way to actually own music? I miss having a physical file I could put wherever and listen to anywhere, but haven't resorted to pirating anything since limewire
I was going to point out the OP includes the Red River which is not part of the Mississippi basin as well as a few other smaller errors. Like your post more.
If I have a little extra time I'll run water through the coffee maker without any grounds if that's somehow better?