But the differences are slight. Maybe won't go as far down the oppression of women rabbit hole, but not for lack of trying. Merely because, I hope, our society is to far past that for them to drag us back that far.
r/nba. Wish the conversations would find their way here, but for now it's way more engaging on reddit
That last part is key, higher max table comes with a higher minimum bet so the ratio stays roughly the same. I suppose you could move tables as your bet needed to increase and switch back to the low table if you manage to win one making cash reserves the main limiting factor, but I've always envisioned the table rules are set in a way to prevent someone with deep pockets from exploiting strategies
I didn't get through all the comments, but most of the top ones and haven't yet seen the most basic casino check to stop these strategies is a table maximum. Same with doubling your bet each hand you lose at black jack, one bad run and you hit table max and you can't raise your bet far enough
But it's actually a 7 year old boy....
Might be wise, but ppl worth millions still might only have a couple hundred on them. Might push for a venmo payment but I'll pushing for something actually worth my time lol
Pizza and whoever offers the biggest check for saving them?
I started off expecting some sort of "it's Link not Zelda" joke which I guess is on me
And the guy that took this photo is fully nude?
How can anything in this country have 24 percent of one side support and only end up at 54 percent of the total? Should be closer to 70 if that's true. I guess somehow miraculously we never get more than 55 percent support for anything, but this stat sounds as inaccurate as me making up: 51 percent of Americans are pro choice including 20 percent of Republicans
Fruit snack gummies! Just suck on em till they basically melt
Nearly all of my porn viewing is scientific in nature so I guess is still be okay....