I’ve done some damage at the outlets lately, and wanted to enable some of you to check one out if you haven’t lately!! It’s been unusually good lately
Prices (in CAD) - WT HR - $39, wundermost LS bodysuit - $14, LS cropped swiftly - $49, align sweetheart bra - $24, align jogger - $54, WT tank - $14, LNY align tank - $14, pleat front pant - $49, nulu define - $79, headband $7, soft streme jacket - $79, pleat tank - $19, align dress $49, LNY belt bag $24, fleece scuba $79, headband $7, shorts $39, pull on pant $59, align tank $24, Seawheeze bag $12, fleece belt bag $24, align mini flares $54, ABC trouser $59, define luon $64
Original post id: t3_1jcxlrm: on reddit by /u/NationalVisual8172