A steam link would be nice!
Got dropped b/c i also included the image, i think [update: realized can edit the original post, so the link is in there now]
A steam link would be nice!
Got dropped b/c i also included the image, i think [update: realized can edit the original post, so the link is in there now]
Thank you, I'm glad you like it! I like pixel art b/c it's so constrained, so it helps me relax and just fit whatever i can in the space. Hope you like the game!
I added a more celebratory new-puzzle-set-unlocked screen to Dot Hop yesterday:
Dot Hop is launching March 1st (next Friday)! Originally prototyped as Flower Eater in the Fediverse Summer Jam - now re-implemented in Godot, with ~50 more puzzles (and many more to come!)
Check it out on steam and on github, or watch a short devlog about it on youtube
I’m going for zig and gerbil this year! Love AOC for learning new langs a day at a time :)
Dang, haven’t heard of this, looks pretty cool!
I’m going to try to use both zig and gerbil. Usually i use clojure, so might fallback to that as well. I started doing puzzles from 2015 this week, and that’s been fun so far
In fact i did not know that! Thanks for the vid, will check it out!
https://godotwildjam.com runs every month for the last …60+ months?! Feels like a long time!
Anyway, It’s a great community of godot game devs!
Also, g2 would be defended by the white queen after the f pawn takes the knight
This was a cool talk on teaching programming gradually (with a lang called hedy) at last year’s strangeloop: https://youtu.be/fmF7HpU_-9k - might be some useful takeaways for you in there
Plus the post-gamr analysis tools are great! Tho a bit odd discovery-wise.
Thanks! I’m hopeful it helps folks as an example godot game. Not that my way is the best, but it’s working for me, so feel free to borrow some patterns!