Let's see if we can get a legal precedent that addictive = entertaining. That could have "interesting" ramifications. (For the record, I don't agree at all that they're the same thing)
joined 2 years ago
Kamala Harris issues sharp rebuke of Israel over ‘humanitarian catastrophe’ in Gaza [Guardian staff and agencies | 3 Mar 2024 | The Guardian]
Finnish ones (some sayings here too):
- "Ski into a spruce!" -> Get lost!
- "So the forest answers as one calls into it" -> what comes around goes around
- "If you reach for the spruce you'll fall into the juniper" -> don't bite more than you can chew
- "to be like hit on the head with a piece of wood" -> to be baffled
- "it went into the forest" -> something failed
- "to have own cow in the ditch" -> to have their own hidden agenda behind a request or actions
- "to throw the spoon into the corner" -> to die
The Cult of AI. How one writer's trip to an annual tech conference left him with a sinking feeling about the future
Depends on how you define meaning. I find meaning in experiencing the life. It may be predetermined or have random elements in it but the experience is unique to me.
Anyway, given all we know about us and the universe I haven't heard a coherent proposal of how free will could work. So, until there's good evidence to convince me otherwise .. I can't help but believe it doesn't exist.
The Cult of AI. How one writer's trip to an annual tech conference left him with a sinking feeling about the future
The Cult of AI. How one writer's trip to an annual tech conference left him with a sinking feeling about the future
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Nope, they can use your NPU, GPU or CPU whatever you have.. the performance will vary quite a bit though. Also, the larger the model the more memory it needs to run well.