They as in Erdoğan and his lackeys. The remainder of the country couldn't give less of a fuck.
Which pens and leads do you use?
Personally I like the Tombow Mono Graph 0.5 and mono-wx 0.5mm HB leads. Switching to HB leads from 2B leads has been the best stationery related decision I've ever made, and I recommend every leftie to experiment with harder leads. No more smudging the paper with graphite because of your hand running over the paper. I will probably try the 0.3mm version of the same pen the next time I go to the stationery store because I want to experiment with finer lead thicknesses.
I play guitar and bass right handed. Especially for bass, it feels more natural to fret with my dominant hand and use the index and pluck with my right hand. That being said, I play fingerstyle most of the time and I'm not good with a pick, so playing leftie might be better for picking hand dexterity.
Sounds like CBT alright