i dont think you understand the situation, or at least read the article. there is no problem buying cheaper but still effective medicine. but the porblem in china is that govt choose to buy domestic cheap version, which usually is inferior to the original, instead of better quality western imported ones. to make it worse, the price the govt offers tends to be way way way cheap sometimes even impossible for manufacturer to make equavulent quality (with some speculating that the latest price drop down is due to they spend to much on zero-covid policy). this is already causing problem in practice.
linkwarden can grab webpage for offline access. but i prefer archivebox, archivebox let you choose which method will be use, linkwarden will use every method in configuration. it's generally fine but i want some flexibility. archivebox also have more method to cache webpages. the downside of archivebox is its kinda unpolished, also they dont have a webui for mobile device.
and some webpages are too complicated for those apps, like require login or something, singlefile is a good solution, it directly download the webpage with your browser.
i would say the situation is so much worse than you expected. one thing westerners doest seem to realize is that xiaohongshu has a very upper echelon user base, those users already have a tendency to lgbt/feminism such "western value". if you go douyin/kuaishou, these platforms are where you can actually meet real 2/3/4 tier city people, they tend to have much negative view to such cultures. "基佬", which means "removeds" is still widely used and mostly in a negative context. during monkeypox outbreak people call the disease as "基佬痘" "removed pox".
in term of cencorship, xiaohongshu's policy varies based on account (or speaking genrally, every platform does this, because they have to make exceptions for internation users). like, chinese people cant search keywords like lesbian as they are censored, but people outside china can. cencorship works very complicated in china, in extreame case, western users can send winnie the pooh / tiananmen / hongkong to chinese user on wechat, the message seems deliverd on their side, but the app simply doesnt display such message on the chinese user's side. not only they censor keywords, they also routinely nuke bloggers "promoting western cultures", sometimes people can even get into legal trouble. chinese censorship is so much worse than silicon valley tech company, even twitter uder musk, i dont think they are on the same level.
Edit: the removed word is f* word for gay people. i didnt realize lemmy would remove it.
Ah, you just described average chinese ecommerce app. Fuckloads of ads, check-ins, roulette and sometimes straight up prompting fishy microcredit deals. They even put live streaming into food service app, some merchants in meituan(chinese uber eat) has a popup of live stream when you enter their page... Chinese apps are just TERRIBLE.
I get it, Trump says insane shit. But the undeniably truth is that it doesn't matter, pointing out Trump is bullshiting everyday won't help (but calling out his bullshit is still needed). Democrats need good policies to energize its own base. Joe Biden already has a very low-level approval rating, they need something new, something can resonate with voters, yet Kamala basically ran the campaign like "i'm just like joe biden". (or even worse on things like border).
it's not "it's imporssible to manufacture", but it's imporssible to maintain the quality. because they actively slashed the price alot, and normally everything tend to be more expensive overtime because of economic development, so there's even lesser for manufacturer to put into actual making the medicine. there's an anectdote a chemistry teacher complains about aspirin nowadays wont complete his experiments. there're alot complaints about other medicines i dont even want to start.
also the whole system is not exact "biding system", the govt controls everything, that 's the reason why it is so cheap but manufacturer still choose to make the deal. that's the whole point: cut.
the thrifty thing has been going on for several years, before this one, there were mutiple outcries not even make to international news. the drug procurement system has been target for a long time even among those who consider themselves patriotic (or in other word, pinky).
besides from cutting price substantially, they also replaces "western medicine" with cheap ineffective traditional chinese medicine. it's a common sense now that you should reject if the doctor write you such chinse medicine, and push them to write some modern ones, at least "combined chinese-western medicine". and in some case this is even not possible any more, because there's literally no western medicine available, because the govt dont actually buy those ones, at the end of the day patients can only choose between low quality chinese ones.
at last, do i think the manufacturer dont have qc problem? of course not, but it's not the main point, the elephant in the room is the whole system, the system dont change, the quality cant be protected. it's the impossible situation, the govt want cheaper price, but expecting quality dont change. the whole system is not designed to cut expense while maintain quality, it's simply about saving money.