Dick Turpin?
RIP that brave car.
In many US rural areas, home internet connections have a monthly cap
And suburban, and urban. I've never lived anywhere that didn't have a cap.
I still have the T-Mobile G1 phone plan.
Man that was a great phone.
My plan isn't quite that old, but it's getting up there. They recently increased my price by a few dollars per line. Then they tried to get me to move to a current plan, which turned out to be 20% higher price for less return. I had to try not to burst out laughing at the poor guy's face.
I've been with TMo for more than 20 years--they're the only carrier I've ever used--but if my price goes up again I'm jumping ship.
OK but did it really flop or where they expecting it to sell a morbillion units weekly?
Sources say that Ubisoft was expecting The Lost Crown to sell similarly to the biggest Metroidvania’s in the market, with millions of units sold in a relatively short space of time. Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown has sold approximately one million units at the time of writing.
We can't even take care of that, how could we care for an Yggdrasil?
"Mom I want an Yggdrasil"
"We have Yggdrasil at home"
It’s wild how conservatives have been led to believe that people shouldn’t make a livable wage doing whatever job needs to be done.
Not just conservatives. My stepdad is far from being one, but he lives in a fantasy reality where "no one in the 80s made a living or supported a family working fast food or running a register." (I paraphrased a tiny bit, but this is a near-direct quote from him.)
Marvin the Martian as Sauron.
"Earth shattering kaboom" feels rather apt here.
Step 0: Invent the universe
Chewbacca is Bigfoot
There was an out-of-continuity comic where Han Solo crashed the Falcon on Earth; Chewbacca survives and becomes the basis for the Bigfoot legend.
Sounds like they’re trying to put out a titanium fire using only a bucket of water.
I have a new phrase to use in the future.
I still don't know if a USB micro or mini is the one that charges my PS4 controller
It's Micro-B, to be specific.