When I read the shelter in place order from my governor, its definition of "essential businesses" was so broad it would have been shorter to list businesses not covered.
Oh, crab.
Evolution-Os: Oops All Crab!
Time to see if there are any notable dead people near me and start a tradition.
They don't have to be famous now, in doing this you could make any grave famous.
I prefer "inhumed".
And the right wingers said, "Well we didn't think it would work!"
I recall a number of voters who voted in favor of Brexit who were interviewed and said things like "but I didn't think it would actually happen!"
I also seem to recall a similar sentiment in a case where people voted to strip funding from a local library in Michigan, then were shocked when the library had to close.
Don't forget the alt text:
Attention all passengers: This is an express sequence to infinity. If your stop is not a power of two, please disembark now.
Maybe we should chip in and buy a second robot.
Hear me out: three robots.
shit down the government
I don't know if this was a typo, but it's rather appropriate either way.
It says there are no videos in the playlist.
The videos are there for me. Maybe you're in a region where they're blocked?
Where's a good place to start? Is there some overarching narrative or can you read them in any order?
While there are myriad reading orders that have been devised over the years, my method with long extended series such as this one is simple: I consume them in the order in which they were produced/released.
Bonus points: the guy is from Illinois.