Thanks for the links, looks like it’s time to utilize those last days of sunshine and apply the «hands off» method 😄
joined 2 years ago
While the outcomes you mention are more or less unavoidable/will lead to similar events in other bases, I find this happens to me more often than I’d like to admit; in social encounters, after a certain amount of diplomacy or smooth talking skullduggery, my lizard brain goes “waaagh, talkety-talk-talk, Hulk smash!”.
And just like that, the bar for violence is doing limbo in hell.
I think my most uttered phrase during couch co-op was «opps, sorry!» as I electrified/curse fired yet another surface by accident.
According to some, I have one! Perfectly-folded-fitted-sheets woman. Ultimately pretty meaningless, but satisfying nonetheless.