Agreed, and the only answer that will stick long term. OP, I have very similar issues with my father. Therapy is the only thing that has helped me.
To me I thought the same for a long time, until I realized things like soda had completely nuked my taste buds. After cutting out soda and other insanely high in sugar things a lot more started tasting better, and la croix now has a ton of flavor.
I use k3s as my base with istio to handle routing, so each node then has the same ports open and istio is the proxy. Internally there's a load balancer to distribute to whatever pod the traffic needs to go to. Outside the cluster DNS is my only single point of failure but it routes to multiple hosts. I doubt you'd have trouble finding a way to have a DNS that can do that. I don't think you can get that much more separated from single points
Congrats, you're officially at the point where you should probably looking at kubernetes. Highly available, failover, and load balancers. It's a steep learning curve, but if you're looking for this level of availability you're probably ready for it
Hey the passion did the same thing, they'll pay for it. People are always happy to part ways with their money
Personally Bazzite for htpc, and PopOS for main desktop for the exact reason
Guaranteed this was some idiot committee decision based on whatever hear they have today. They probably have zero idea what Linux is or that their entire infrastructure runs on it. In fact, if they were asked what Facebook uses I am sure they would say "we all use Macs!"
The standard gamer right here. Anything different is immediately horrible and should never be attempted. Also a sprinkle of "it's popular so it's bad"
Plugging it in may give it more power, but doesn't triple the CPU power.
I get it. I also get how some people like the smell of gasoline or diesel fumes. That's why I like that public places are shifting towards a default of preventing smells. Some people like things, but allowing some will annoy others
Video editing requires heavy amounts of cpu, ram, and is detailed enough where you would want a large monitor with keyboard and mouse most times.
Deck is great for a lot of things, I would say this is not one of them. Can you do it? Sure, you can cook an egg on the back of it while you render for 36 hours. Should you? Probably not.
I'd like to remind everyone that the fediverse is public and anyone or any group can be listening in.