Not to go off on a quite wild tangent from societal collapse but I think beyond propaganda Napoleon was often flanked by tall and hand-picked elite guards and ironically also old aristocracy generals themselves tall from richer diet and so appeared short in comparison.
You can always see the signal in the noise, that is the point of the signal and therein lies the rub.
It will all end with us back on dialup speeds once the counter-DAITA throughput machine learning de-obfuscation analysis of defense against AI guided traffic analysis of proxy anomised packets starts. I think I might just read a book.
The plundering of communities for profit to the point of collapse is being overseen by the people put in place to protect and manage society and now there is surprise and shock that people will not go home and quietly starve to death?
Barron is way too tall.
It is why they are hastily trying to turn the calendar back to 1933 but they might overshoot and get 1789.
The great business minds running these public services into the ground for profit without any thought for the society that needs them and patting themselves on the back for being so business savvy should maybe stop plundering monopolies and move into the actual private sector and see how able they are there with real competition but I think we know the answer to that one. And while we are about it we could stop tax payer funded regulatory and watchdog bodies that are constantly learning lessons after being discovered to not even provide the most basic functionality for which they were set up and then going right back to the same old willful negligence.
Even Alanis Morissette would recognise this was ironic.
Fast living and easy sex do seem to turn into easy living and slow sex.
Yes as with almost everything the ability to do a thing is just a function of how much you want to do it.