5-10 years ago I'd say OP's comment is definitely protected under the First Amendment (assuming US based) but now who the fuck knows what those turdwagons on the bench will come up with to dismantle it.
"safe for work" means something very different when your work is basically smell-testing your own flatulence at the behest of Peter Thiel.
someone pointed out that (paraphrasing) "yeah, you and I are never gonna care for autoplag output but kids are gonna grow up on it and expect it for everything" and that makes me want to do bad things.
"People say their life sucks, but I looked at some numbers and actually they're wrong!"
I wonder if Ilya would have gotten away with it if he didn't try to go Bonnie and Clyde with it?
I'm not going to explain all of macroeconomics to you, but the whole point of this discussion is decreasing prices is bad because money stops moving. If money stops moving, you stop getting paid. Is that simple enough for you to understand or does it need to be dumbed down further?
No, like paying your wages. You should read a bit about how things work before getting upset.
what a limp comment you have made. The post contains a treasure trove of insider information and specifics that paint a picture that is dire even to a jaded tech worker.
I'd like to imagine that Adobe/other AI photo editing people are frantically scrambling to fondle their prompts a little harder to avoid things like this. Infinite whack-a-mole.
This made the rounds last week IIRC. Though, looking at it again I realize I didn't notice how over-stressed the hallucinated button is. It's funny in a disgusting way.
yes. perhaps try more emotional guilt-tripping?