Yeah, my initial reaction was "how dare pg not follow his own principles" but then I realized he's on Twitter, not HN, and when in Rome...
ooh can I play? A species' or race's intelligence can be reasonably defined by how rapidly it extracts resources from the surrounding area.
It's pretty on-brand for a techbro to search for answers in what they see as "the code" (genome) while ignoring the entire rest of the fucking world.
my man have you ever been in, like, another country?
crypto/blockchain UX quality is strongly correlated with risk of getting all your tokens stolen.
I made the mistake of reading the comments on that substack and I'm beginning to actually feel the raw desperation of these sycophants for someone of "note" to notice them.
Innumeracy is the opioid of the masses.
This is the genius-level discourse that Bryan Caplan foments in his marketplace of ideas.
Is he ever going to specify which booster? If he refused Tdap he is a menace to society not because of risk of tetanus but spreading pertussis to the vulnerable.
Still, anyone that took him seriously before this should be embarrassed.
prompt injection in insurance claims time?
global southerner? edit: nah I don't like it.
oof. Something tells me he's a good guy and just knee-jerked that response without thinking about it. But then I realize it doesn't matter because the kind of community you create doesn't depend on who you are deep down but what you say publicly.
Ladybird isn't going anywhere. The web standards move too fast and they're not going to be able to catch up. I wish it was another way, but there's no way a couple of million $ is going to move the needle here when (probably) tens of billions have been poured into chromium/FF.