Thank you :)
The links you provided seem to be UK centred, so it’s important to remember that in UK law a woman cannot be convicted of rape, only of sexual assault because under the letter of the law rape requires penetration
Hence, if you compare male vs female rape perpetrators you’ll always get an overwhelming majority of men
Oh I know, I had the same thoughts
Object storage does really bad as a filesystem and it may very seriously be cheaper for you to have a 5TB storage box over 2TB of object storage
S3 has no list operation, so any time the computer wants to “list” a directory in object storage that is expensive
I have a similar use case and whilst I’m not quite there yet I’m intending to go with a storage box
Dots? Love it!
Okay but at that point shoot the tyres??
I think you just contradicted yourself in that same sentence
You can write shares to CIDR blocks e.g.