Take a look at the Lenovo Yoga models. There are very well built thinkpads out there that fold over and have a stylus + touchscreen
There's also CadQuery, which I find more intuitive to use than openscand: https://cadquery.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html
The problem is not the EU demanding that, it rather is Apples blatant incompetence at implementing it
Well, doing none of the many chores to transform his pedo club into something socially acceptable, and instead killing his boredom by holding talks about a topic that has neither anything to do with church nor is he remotely qualified to say anything about, is on a whole other level of disrespect, isn't it?
Nono, you are demanding in a not nice tone from a open source community to implement some bloat workaround to fix some you-specific-issue with commercial software. You know how free and open source software works? Either you contribute something positive, or you color yourself glad you get to use something so great completely for free and stay silent. Bark at that commercial vendor that doesn't use the money from licenses + selling your soul to build something half decent! This upcoming demand-culture around things that others kindly share with wanting nothing in return pisses me off. Especially when it's not even something about the project, but carrying over unrelated cruft, instead of directing the demand to the entitiy it would be justified against.
Just build a browser extension that does the conversion. Or a script that watches a folder where you drag it into as an intermediary, and then it converts it automatically. And then share it for free, because you are a kind person! You might find a handful of people that like it. And then watch some asshat writing you a demand that "stop converting to jpeg, forever stop that! I need bitmaps for my gameboy! Just give me a SETTING where I can chooose and a nice dialog where I can pick the freaking color palette!"
Research what happened to Upstart, Mir or Unity. It won't take long until snap becomes one of them. Somebody at canonical seems to desperately obsess over having something unique, either as a way to justify canonicals existance or even in the hopes of making the next big thing. Over all these years they never learned that whatever they do exclusively will always fall short of any other joint efforts in the linux world, because they always lack the technical advances, ability/will to push it for a prolonged time and/or the non-proprietary-ness. So instead of collaborating like every serious linux vendor, they're polluting their distro with half-assed, ever changing and unwanted experiments. They're even hijacking apt commands to push their stupid snap stuff against the users intent. With the shengians they're pulling Ubuntu cannot be relied on, and with that they're sabotaging their own success and drive away any commercial customers that generate revenue.
This is the correct answer, every device you use a bitwarden-client regularly on automatically becomes a backup
Also I think nobody so far weighed the energy consumption of e.g. using copilot against the environmental footprint of a human doing the legwork manually
Yes I know it, and sometimes use it for a little. But the vast majority of things it presents to complete to me feel rather unimportant. My leisure time isn't exactly plenty, and then I rather do other things I see more value in. Even surface type is mapped most of the time, and I don't take the effort to map surface quality because it is not used for anything. Maybe I'll make an App at some point that infers surface quality automatically while road biking from the acceleration sensor in the phone mounted to the handlebar...
At least for the more fundamental information like paths or trails this is true. I only really get to map stuff when in holidays abroad, because here you have to check a 100 times if something is mapped to find a handful of chances to contribute anything, which has a frustrating feel to it 😅
Hm well, I caried a Yoga l390 in a Backpack for 3.5 years and opened+closed it many times a day. That thing is now 5 years old. It's not being used daily anymore, but still multiple times a week. And it still works perfectly in every regard. Only the hinges became a bit less stiff and the battery capacity went down a bit. But those are a given with that age and amount of charge cycles.
Since 1.5 years I have the pleasure to work fulltime with a fully specced x1 Yoga, that also has to go into the backpack every day. Of course that's not very old, but it also has zero problems, only the silver paint at the corners started to wear off slowly from carrying it around.
The stylus that stows in the case is annoyingly small (and you need a seperate normal sized one for extended writing), but other than that it has all been very positive for me.