
joined 1 day ago
[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

I tried creating a Steam account and was blocked by the revolving captcha security thing - took days to try to get help from their customer care and by the time they got back to me I had lost interest. I spent the waitjng time researching Valve and I decided they are not an ethical business. Made me sad as I loved the idea of a customised-for-gaming-on-console linux OS and liked the look of the hardware. But Valve is a monopolist and has too much market share and too many users and thus too much power - USA politics today shows how big a risk that is. Valve supports unethical business models like 'rent game to play', AI-generated junk games and IP violations so it debases game development and hurts indy developers, live-streaming games which is bad for environment. It promotes 'easy access/always on gaming' and is thus profiting from addiction-to-gaming, which ix a MASSIVE problem and few gamers admit it. It's an American corporation and I distrust American corporate culture. Most of which might be said of other console/platforms so its not just Valve/Steam, I feel wary of but the whole industry. I bought a second-hand Switch so did not help Nintendo/Japanese corporate power directly. I bought a bundle of 2nd-hand games on sd card with minimal download content (except for 'No Man's Sky' which constantly updates). I am trying to be an ethical gamer - limit my time gaming to stop me becoming an addict etc. But I admit I am compromised - I spend too much time gaming, being retired its easy to lose track of time. Honestly, I feel like a vegan who wraps bacon in thick wholemeal sandwiches and pretends they are not really eating pigs since its mainly bread. I am 'a work in progress'.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago

Cool. Thanks for that info.


As an old person, I would like to hear from other old people about stuff - let's make this apparently abandoned lemmy community lively and fun.

I am a 'boomer' (according to USA culture) in my society (UK) I am just 'old'.

According to typical profile of 'boomers' by non-boomers we are scum of the earth and spawn of Satan. I am not sure its true but I am intrigued enough to wanna try it!

Here's my profile: UK citizen, born early 1960s ('late boomer'), feminist, socialist, environmentalist, vegetarian, and atheist - in all of that stuff was typically the only one in my family/school/community so I was a pioneer/lonely kid. I grew up weird and indefatigable and incorrigible - just like a battleship (a navy joke).

Grew up in poverty. First in my family to go to university - a posh one, had a scholarship, made friends who went on to rule the world (knew future Empress of Japan, knew Prime Ministers, ambassadors, popes, CEOs - all sorts). If you read this, you're one or two persons away from all the world's elite. No, I am not elite or rich, sorry, no begging letters please. I worked mainly in STEM but stayed interested in arts and humanities. I am still a Leftist and have gotten Lefter as I got older. I am now retired. Still waiting for the revolution.

Fellow oldies, please introduce yourself, if we hate each other's politics maybe we can bond over sharing anecdotes about our haemorrhoids?

Let's be old and loud and make our presence felt - in a good way. If you're over fifty or feel like it, I invite you to make this your home from home!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

I hope. Maybe Euro, maybe PRC's renminbi. We'll see.

I just wondered, give how US dollars is world's 'reserve currency' (since 1944 Bretton Woods pact), how its crash might affect the whole of global trade (it must hurt more than failure of a national currency like Zimbabwe's since it is a reserve currency and has a special role in the world). Will we get another reserve currency or has the world economy changed so much that we will get a new way of doing business with no reserve currency or multiple competing reserve currencies? I think we are in uncharted territory so its hard to predict...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 hours ago

"If anyone says they're a libertarian, I just shrug and leave." - Atlas In His Own Words

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago

Drum roll, ting on the cymbal! Lol!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

I think it would be easier to just get WW3 over with and see how the dust settles!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 hours ago (3 children)

I switched to Linux on my laptops years ago. Recently, I retired and started playing video games like Skyrim. I play on a Nintendo Switch. I considered playing Skyrim on a laptop so I could use/build mods. I bought a laptop with Windows 11 and spent forty minutes removing the bloat, ads, spyware, ai nonsense, and other dross, fixing it so it did not 'update' to restore everything I deleted, and installing my preferred alternatives (browser, search, email etc). It reminded me why I hate Windows almost as much as Mac OS (which is even more controlling). Microsoft have hundreds of engineers 'enshitifying' everything. It is more than a full-time job trying to stop them and block their 'improvements'. I am retired. I have better things to do.

I did not enjoy playing games with a laptop (hurts my arthritis, I prefer using a console and an easy chair) and resented having to reverse engineer everything I installed to keep it running but without sacrificing my privacy so the laptop now just sits in a drawer. It amazes me that anyone still tolerates Microsoft products, or any of the monopolists stuff. Why is anyone still using google search or chrome browser, why bing or any of it? Why is anyone still seeing adverts? Why is everyone still being fed by algorithms? You must chose this - but why? I always sought out better and if it did not exist, I built it, and if I could not build it, I did without. There is a lot of dumbing-down around technology. Back in C20th, we used to build our own hardware, write our own software. We were skilled hobbyists (later I got an M.Sc. to reinforce my hobby skills with theory and even ran a business for a while as an engineer). Around 2000 +/- five years, the monopolists offered 'help' in the form of WYSIWYG editors to write code for us or 'click buttons to register your account' platforms to host content for us instead of us running our own websites (blogger, wordpress, facebook, twitter etc). They dumbed us all down, farmed us like animals for data and used clickbait to get ad revenue and undermined our politics, culture, even changed our sense of being human. Now old folk can build resources but younger people can only consume. We have to re-skill and resist the seduction of the easy and free-to-use. There's no such thing as a free lunch. Never trust a tech bro, whether USA or any nationality.

Personally, I want to 'jail break' my Switch and make mods for my console version of Skyrim. I can't do that now as it is illegal but when they bring out the Switch 2 and the old console is 'obsolete' and they stop trying to get money for Skyrim, I reckon we tinkerers will get a chance to re-purpose the old console to play the old games in our own way. I reckon some exciting engineering is happening amongst the recyclers and re-purposers rather than amongst the corporates. I only buy second-hand for ethical reasons and to save money. I always install my own software based on AOSP or use a more ethical distro or alternative to the commercial options. I always debloat or degoogle or remove unwanted stuff. I wish that kind of personalisation were more common. There is a zero sum relationship with tech: either the technology controls you, or you control it. I urge you to control your own tech. Don't be enslaved by it. I feel I am in a minority in wanting sovereignty over my damn phone. It makes me sad.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 hours ago (6 children)

The problem is the dollar. While international trade is in US dollars, US can dominate global economy. But Trump is trashing dollar and promoting crypto. How long will the dollar remain default currency? I think when dollar loses its value, USA economy will crash harder than any crash in history. Wheelbarrows of dollars will not buy matches. Will another traditional currency replace the dollar or is dollar's fall a sign that the old system no longer works for any currency. How does economics function after money fails? Are we all going to have to use crypto? How does that work? I hope some expert in economics has worked out a plan. I doubt they have though, this is all unchartered territory.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 hours ago

This is a worry for me. I opened an account in 2004. You had to pay for purchases via Paypal. I had all sorts of problems using Paypal and customer care was lousy. I started looking into Paypal and decided it was unethical. I opted out. Ever since, I have been looking for more ethical financial services. When I cannot find them, I just do without stuff.

Right now, I have allegedly ethical bank accounts with Co-Op Bank (UK), Smile Bank (UK) and Triodos (EU). I have a savings account with a community-run credit union (UK) and a prepaid debit card account through my trade union for online purchases (UK). This is good enough for UK-based activity. But I often need to send money abroad e.g. to charities in other countries or to support podcasts or creatives based abroad. I am asked to fund via USA resources like Patreon and I refuse. I want an ethical alternative.

I want to see each nation (or groups like the EU) create its own local resources and make them compatible with other nations via some exchange service that guarantees secure, quick, ethical transactions. I am glad EU is starting to do this, it is decades overdue. I guess UK will drag itself forward eventually but only after we get a government able to live in the here and now instead of the C20th like Starmer does - I suspect he has not had a new idea since 1995. He's younger than me but his mental processes make him seem like my grandfather. Oh, for some young people in government!

P.S. Hello, Media Storm, UK prize-winning investigative journalism podcast. You are great but I cannot fund you as you use oligarch-owned Patreon and communicate only via oligarch-run Instagram or gmail - if you read this, set up some UK-based, ethical comms or funding account and I will set up a monthly subscription. I will email you about this using mediastormpodcast(at) but I resent it.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 4 hours ago (6 children)

I play Skyrim. In that rpg video game you can be an assassin. After you kill Grelod the Kind, a child abuser, one of the children she tortured says:

"Kill one person, and you can solve so many problems. I wonder at the possibilities." - Runa Fair-Shield.

When does assassination become an acceptable political strategy? I can see how bumping off many crazy men (and right now I can only name male dictators but I guess women could be just as bad) would make the world safer - well, safer if we assume it would not trigger a backlash and WW3.

Maybe we could assassinate Kim and North Korea would rejoice not set off nukes? Maybe we could assassinate MbS and the Saudis would just shrug and appoint a new Crown Prince with a less murderous tendancy towards journalists and dissidents? But could we assassinate Putin, Trump, Xi, or Modi and not release hell?

If I had a red button to press and it would remove Putin, Trump, Musk, Thiel, Hamas, Netanyahu, or other bad guys, should I press the button? What do you think?

Note: this is a thought experiment - outside Skyrim, I never killed anyone, never worked as an assassin for hire, and have no desire to change that fact. I just want to read your thoughts on this topic - I think we've all wondered if there is a shortcut back to normality in face of current events but are we fooling ourselves?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago

Cheers friend! My hope lies in the decency of most people - yes, we are told that humans will readily do evil e.g. will hurt others if ordered to do so by an authority figure in a white coat (a classic experiment I vaguely recall from somewhere). But what gets missed is that there are always some people who refuse the first time, and if those who get fooled once realise what happened they are harder to fool a second time, which means we humans are fallible but we tend to fail towards becoming older, wiser. In brief, we can learn to do better. That is our strength. That's how we survive.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago

And so he lives in a rented room in the Drunken Huntsman - one room with annoying flatmates (cummon, who d'you think hires the Dark Brotherhood to bump off Anoriath if not Nazeem or his missus? - she's a healer, could poison both of the brothers if she wanted, so that leaves Nazeem as suspect numero uno) and a resentful spouse who is not shy about telling the world her opinion of him. The guy has to have giant shoulders to carry that burdon, no wonder he's struggling.


Looks like no new post about Skyrim has been made here for several months. As a big Skyrim fan, I feel this is just wrong. So, I will post about Skyrim until I get an echo from the void...

I will kick off by being controversial. Many Skyrim fans mock Nazeem. I just feel sorry for the guy: he had a good life, full of purpose and satisfaction, as a Skyrim farmer. Then he sold his farm, retired to Whiterun, where he is wasting all his hard-earned money by trying to slime his way into high society, dressing like a knob, and talking down to people that are still living the kind of life he left behind. His wife now despises him, he has no friends, and the toffs he fawns on all laugh at him. He doesn't even have a pet dog. He is a lost soul. He needs someone to tell him to buy himself another farm before he loses his last septim and get back to living a life that gives him dignity and happiness. His wife would probably back that 100%. Do Skyrim fans care? Nope, they are all down on the guy because in his misery he mocks them. It is just projection, I tell you. His projection, and the fans projecting back at him. People in this category all need to live better lives and find self-respect.

On the other hand, no one ever criticises Hod, the work-shy lumberjack in Riverwood, who encourages his son to sexually abuse farm animals. Nope, that is just a regular guy doing normal parenting /s. This scumbag gets no pushback from his nasty wife, who simply looks the other way while her son turns into a psychopath with dad's help. Hod is even looked up to by his dog, Stump. How is that not making you nauseous, fans of Skyrim? Plus the poor cow he keeps in his garden for his son to abuse... are you just going to shrug and walk away? Me, I always kill Hod, and often adopt his son to give the boy a chance to grow up normal away from his evil parent. Moo-Moo and Stump live on in Riverwood, happy and safe. It is how it should be, fellow Dragonborns! Hating Hod is the only honourable and healthy way to be,

So, fellow Skyrim fans - who do you think worse? Nazeem or Hod? Or can you name someone worse than Hod? Convince, I think not.

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