And the question is am I going to die on this trip? And there the real statistics are pretty clear, cars are safer.
Well, what I want to know is "Am I going to die today?". The distance traveled is irrelevant to answer that question. The only reason to add that to the equation is to make air travel look safer.
Per trip is more in line with how people think about danger. Like, am I going to die on this trip?
I think you underestimate the number of trips per car per day. Most people will take more trips by car per month than they will fly for their lifetime. In Sweden , a country of 10 million, we have about 150 people killed per year from car accidents, yet most adults travel by car daily. That is millions of trips per day, and only half a death.
One breaking change, that they doesn't list as breaking (I guess since I assume the old was always broken) is: Dynamic registration of LSP capabilities. An implication of this change is that checking a client's server_capabilities is no longer a sufficient indicator to see if a server supports a feature. Instead use client.supports_method(). It considers both the dynamic capabilities and static server_capabilities.
So if you had code like
if client.server_capabilities.inlayHintProvider then
you now should use
if client.supports_method("inlayHintProvider") then
So, not really a breaking change I guess, but something you should change any way.
You are confusing Google and Internet.... they are very different things.
Had to test with Kagi also, leads with official documentation, after that tutorials and unofficial things. Nothing obviously irrelevant. The only thing with the Kagi results, was that there were a few very simmilar official documentation links (for different postgresql versions) at top. But, still good search results. Not sure why anyone is still using google, when there are quite a few better alternatives availale
You don't have to understand everything, it is ok. And joining a language community for a language you hate just to rant about it, shows that you should try to focus on letting things go. It feels a bit obsessive.
If you actually like to have a conversation about the language, I suggest you be a bit more specific and we will try to answer to the best of our ability.
Have a nice day, and don't forget to breathe.
But per mile measurement for flying implies that every mile of a flight is equally dangerous, but the truth I'd that it is most dangerous to start or land, which is a per trip occurrence. The take off and landing is equally dangerous whether you travel a long or short distance in between.