There's an expression in French, "enculage de mouches". Literally means "fucking flies in the ass" and, figuratively, refers to being impossibly pedantic and nitpicky. Closest equivalent in English would be "splitting hairs" I think
That's an odd way of spelling "taint tanning"
That didn't bother me but "Excel database" really rustled my jimmies
I'm certainly not a veterinarian and I'm quite prepared to be proven wrong, but yeah your explanation seems much more likely
These are strange times for Berry Club... Strange times
Yeah, about the FAQ.
He’s just a huge fat cat. He diets, he works out, but never really loses any weight. We’re not too worried about it. His actual licensed vet says he’s fine, so we’ll just listen to her because she went to cat medical school or whatever.
How is this possible? That cat is way beyond the "healthy at any size" range.
Best read with a British accent, naturally:
There was a young girl from Nic'ragua
Who smiled as she rode on a jaguar
They returned from the ride
With the young girl inside
And the smile on the face of the jaguar
Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.
Eeeh, considering it's followed by a warning not to feed the mealworms to farm animals, my bet is on "not for human consumption"
But what the crow wants to know is, are you taking avian sex as payment?
It's brutal, isn't it? 7 minutes of pure distilled existential terror
Odd. Canada here as well, loads up a bit slow but gets there after maybe 10 seconds. No login required.