I agree. If something is sought after that also was on Reddit, it will come up here. No need to force it. I wonder if copy-pasting Reddit subs here would goad people into the same behavior this thread points out many people would like to avoid?
Ich bin etwas sprachlos, obwohl ich von Lokalblättern jetzt nicht viel erwarte. Ist das Unfähigkeit auf Seiten der Redaktion oder Agenda?
I laughed hard enough to realize I lost too much life time to Excel.
There is dozens of us!
Sacrifice by Shiny.
I still think it is one of the absolutely best games I ever played. Totally unique gameplay, story and overall feel. The world really sucked me in for a long time.
I think didn't get the love it deserved at all. I would be so excited if it ever got remade or a sequel but it seems unlikely.
I played that a lot, also the second and third parts.
I remember starting the first game, I had no clue what to do and I put it aside again. Then I tried again, somehow got over the extremely high entry barrier in terms of difficulty (or so I remember) and I loved it. That feeling when you got your first decent ship or later on stations... It was a wild ride.
I used to give a bit when asked, even when directly asked for "some change for a beer". That was about ten years ago when I was a student and didn't have a lot of money myself.
I have always considered myself lucky having been born into circumstances that allowed me to become financially well-off and healthy, even though my parent aren't wealthy or anything like that.
From this point of view, I always thought giving a little bit away, which I won't even feel, to someone less fortunate than myself, was very reasonable.
And it is absolutely no business of mine to care what someone does with the money I give them. If I gave someone money and expected them to spend it in a certain way, that would be incredibly patronizing. Who am I to judge? If I lived on the street, I would probably try to make my days a bit lighter with a beer or two or three.
Today, it is different. While I earn good money now, I give less, and it is often on my mind why. I like to believe that it is the external circumstances that changed, though. First of all, the sheer quantity of people actively asking me for money, mostly when I am waiting for a train, would mean a more considerable sum of money than I was used to. Secondly, often the people asking are obviously users. For instance, there is a very active open crack scene where I live. This is different from the beer or two, which I to this day never had a problem supporting. It is often not even homeless people but rather people in dire need to support their opiate addiction.
This has become so obvious that I mostly opt out of giving money. Sometimes my gut tells me that this is one of the "good old beggars" or they just cone across as sincere and I give.
To conclude: opiates are hell and I want the good old times back when I did not feel conflicted when supporting less fortunate fellow citizens with a little change.
A time lapse of the history of the universe:
Very minimalistic, but I like the sound and visuals. Just try to tune in and enjoy an existential crisis at the end!
Bei mir war es noch schlimmer, ich habe keine Mailadresse angeben müssen und habe keine Anweisung bekommen, was ich nun machen muss! Nur mein Nerd-Elektronenhirn hat es möglich gemacht, mich einzuloggen!
Wo verfolgt ihr das eigentlich nach, welche Instanzen mit welchen föderiert sind und wann wer wen deföderiert?
Same, I enjoy Explorer, I cannot stand the digital mechanics. Greasefang decks are almost as bad though.
Ich mache mich solcher Sprüche schuldig und stehe dazu. Wo ist das Problem?