@HikingVet I first heard that , thrown as a taunt, at a small bridge crossing into Metepanagiag where a small blockade was assembled as a response to a commercial fishing lodge being put up at Curvington/Second Oxbow and some after skirmishes of the fisheries war. the comment may have also been thrown about around the lack of consultation during the failed Meech Lake Accord.
As in "who do you think you are? the true north white and free?!" they convinced me to stand with them. i never regret
simple. throw yourself prostrate at the mercy of the local First Nation for refugee status. that's the correct thing to do.
If not, you could be at risk of being an undocumented stateless person to wander the seas looking for a new home. Just like the boat people of not many decades ago that were despised by many of the so called "true north white and free"…
… or the Sea People, despised by the Hittites in the books of Joshua and Judges (bronze age collapse)
I have spoken
-Ya'con the Gutian
@Auli @Showroom7561 I renember back in the 70s . we would look for the repeat offenders at the mall and propel shopping carts at them . biggest score for the biggest scratch.
best was was a nasty dodge station wagon rounding onto queen mary rd at speed. a shopping cart full of rocks from down the street made the perfect hit . no time to swerve or stop, rocks all over the hood and window smashed! it was glorious!
@girlfreddy @HikingVet Please dont anti trust the Irvings until they have built the new Juniper wind farm. JDI wind power is our best hope to catch that albatross NB Power in its wake turbulence and topple it over into its well deserved death spiral.
and also infect higgs, hogan, and austin with "windmill noise brainworm cancer ". although Grasseschi likely already did it with her anti 2slgbtq+ exorsist conversion therapy.
the woke Elders of THE CABAL OF ARGUS
We will see
@girlfreddy we did sorta have the russian designed CF121 Stratocaster smuggled in and hidden at CYCH Chatham (now Miramichi) . but it was an april fools joke. Quite a few fell for it.
@cyborganism canada's big telcoms are fraudulant to begin with :)
the woke Elders of THE CABAL OF ARGUS
We will see
@NightOwl the previous d. Superintendant for New Brunswick have brought this up. the RCMP should never be a personal goon squad for a government, church, or industry. … yet they whine go full defcon crybaby when they get defunded.
And dont fall for the apologies. the minister for public safety is not sorry for the harm they inflicted. they are sorry they got caught.
the woke Elders of THE CABAL OF ARGUS
We will see
@girlfreddy ok thats much more clear. i am with you on that. I sit here in what's left standing of a NORAD air base and up the road from what was a Pinetree Line Station. Sure, things have changed and become more portable, but we would be sadly unprepared ; not only in a military threat, but also in a weather or other related catastrophe. we would be blind and deaf . we cant place responsibility on the big telcos. our interesrs wouls conflict. wemust keep infrastructure
@HikingVet bottom line. I acknowlege i am standing on the unceded Mi'kmaq territory of Sikniktuk.
Their land, waters, and airspace. and they have the archeology, paleoentology (protoprimates) , and treaties to prove it.
Many attempts were made to divide from the acadiens with wedge issues. and François Legault furthur tries the same up in Maria. a large influx of refugees willing to respect the First Nations would be wonderful.