And many therapist will lower their rate and otherwise find ways to support clients as much as possible
Or the people handling him don't understand autism?
Especially curious about the initial step of getting rid of all the built-up crud
yup! It can be hard to sustain holiday cheer for 5+ weeks
Team Bandcamp as well. I'll be sad if it degrades. My hope is it survives long enough to be discovered by everyone as they get sick of the shit music streams on Spotify, Pandora and their ilk
You're allowed to dig on a movie. And, in my view, this movie is far from reproach
You mean screenshots of the homepage, which you saw posted on a general social media page
Is this a good route to improve privacy in Windows
It really was. It was for a toilet foot stand.
(and this is how marketing works)
Aren't the Dakotas further north?
Totally agree