I'm looking forward to europe opensearch foundation
Service unavailable
Thank you so much for your hard work!
Mastodon's API has an endpoint, /api/v1/instance/activity, that serves activity information. As far as I know there is not any other fediverse project serving activity information. Thanks to that API endpoint you can get real activity from every Mastodon server, activity meaning all users that logged in the last 12 weeks. I did a Python bot that collects all activities from all alive Mastodon servers (https://mastodont.cat/@activity). This is the last report from my bot (current week):
Registered users: 2961289 This week logins: 130708 Average server activity is 4.41%.
Yes, average activity is very low.
Yes, you can delete your account, go to your profile, you have there a button to do it.
Thanks for bringing up ideas
Well, only how to log in the budget bot into every fediverse project is what is needed.
It works with Mastodon only thanks to that excellent wrapper, Mastodon.py for Python. Not sure if there are Python wrappers for other fediverse projects.
well , the cap is at 5000 characters by default.