
joined 2 years ago
[–] squaresinger@feddit.de -5 points 11 months ago

hEy, yOu lEaRnEd A bUzZwOrD aNd rEcEnTlY dIsCoVeReD tHe sHiFt KeY!!!! cOnGrAtS!?!

[–] squaresinger@feddit.de 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

But this issue wasn't found because of code analysis per se, but because of microbenchmarking.

[–] squaresinger@feddit.de -2 points 11 months ago

Oh, we play dumb ad-hominem without any basis in reality?

I can play this too: Was your last school homework hard?

[–] squaresinger@feddit.de 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

If the vulnerability is in the wild, what other security mechanisms do you have until it's patched?

[–] squaresinger@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago

Just plant the tree on the neighbours property ;)

[–] squaresinger@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago

Mhm. Please quote me where I said anything about that. You are projecting.

[–] squaresinger@feddit.de 2 points 1 year ago

Most people I helped getting Linux to work are actually not techy at all and they haven't touched the CLI at all so far...

I guess it differs if you use Linux because you are interested in the technology or if you use it because Windows 11 doesn't run on your PC.

[–] squaresinger@feddit.de 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Tbh, I don't recommend beginners to try out multiple distros in the beginning. Realistically, if you don't have in depth Linux knowledge already, all you'll be able to differentiate is the look of the DE and the wallpaper.

I find, too much choice tends to confuse beginners more than it helps them.

So I'd rather recommend something simple like Ubuntu and let them try out the flavours with the different DEs.

Choice is better for later when people actually understand what they are looking for.

[–] squaresinger@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago (12 children)

While you are right, it is important to consider that Hamas has very low support in the population of Palestine, similar to Netanjahu and his fascist government having rather little support in the Israeli population.

The corrupt and criminal leaderships of both countries are fighting a war for their own advantage and civilians on both sides (though ~20x Palestinians than Israelis) are dieing for a war they just want to end.


Don't drink fant drinks when you drive!

Fanta: 😟


I recently switched my entertainment laptop to Linux after having my work devices on it for a few years.

The laptop has a Gforce 1050 Max-Q in it. I'm trying to run games from Steam that officially don't support Linux.

If I set the PRIME profile in the Nvidia control panel to "Nvidia only", everything works as expected.

But if I set the profile to "On demand", the whole system freezes a few seconds after I open a game.

I read some vague comment on Reddit saying it might have something to do with me using KDE.

If I run it on the Intel GPU, it works no matter what profile is set (but super slow).

The system is freshly installed using the proprietary Nvidia driver version 535.

Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?


geteilt von: https://feddit.de/post/3049646

geteilt von: https://feddit.de/post/3048730

Github link: https://github.com/Dakkaron/Fairberry

Here's a video of it in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDb8_ld9gOQ

I've been using it for almost two years now, and I'm not going back.

It's based on a spare Blackberry Q10 keyboard and a custom Arduino-compatible board that reads the keyboard matrix and outputs it as USB HID to the phone. From the viewpoint of the phone, it's just a regular USB keyboard, so no special software is needed.

But I do use a custom virtual keyboard to have just two rows of symbols that are not natively on the keyboard, as I didn't want to add another layer of rarely used symbols that I'd have to memorize.

(On the image you can see Ubuntu with XFCE4 running on it. I chose Ubuntu because it's what was easiest to get running in a chroot jail on the phone. I'm using VNC to display the GUI. I even managed to get FEX (x86/x64 emulator) and Wine running, so it runs x86/x64 Linux and Windows apps.)

Btw: Is there maybe someone who wants to make a little side money? There are tons of people who say they'd buy this, but I don't want to make them.

The designs are all online and I'm happy to help. So if someone wants to make and sell them, that would be really cool! (I don't want or need any financial compensation. I'd just be happy if people have access to this.)


geteilt von: https://feddit.de/post/3048730

Github link: https://github.com/Dakkaron/Fairberry

Here's a video of it in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDb8_ld9gOQ

I've been using it for almost two years now, and I'm not going back.

It's based on a spare Blackberry Q10 keyboard and a custom Arduino-compatible board that reads the keyboard matrix and outputs it as USB HID to the phone. From the viewpoint of the phone, it's just a regular USB keyboard, so no special software is needed.

But I do use a custom virtual keyboard to have just two rows of symbols that are not natively on the keyboard, as I didn't want to add another layer of rarely used symbols that I'd have to memorize.

(On the image you can see Ubuntu with XFCE4 running on it. I chose Ubuntu because it's what was easiest to get running in a chroot jail on the phone. I'm using VNC to display the GUI. I even managed to get FEX (x86/x64 emulator) and Wine running, so it runs x86/x64 Linux and Windows apps.)


Github link: https://github.com/Dakkaron/Fairberry

Here's a video of it in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDb8_ld9gOQ

I've been using it for almost two years now, and I'm not going back.

It's based on a spare Blackberry Q10 keyboard and a custom Arduino-compatible board that reads the keyboard matrix and outputs it as USB HID to the phone. From the viewpoint of the phone, it's just a regular USB keyboard, so no special software is needed.

But I do use a custom virtual keyboard to have just two rows of symbols that are not natively on the keyboard, as I didn't want to add another layer of rarely used symbols that I'd have to memorize.

(On the image you can see Ubuntu with XFCE4 running on it. I chose Ubuntu because it's what was easiest to get running in a chroot jail on the phone. I'm using VNC to display the GUI. I even managed to get FEX (x86/x64 emulator) and Wine running, so it runs x86/x64 Linux and Windows apps.)


My laptop switched from AHCI to RST on its own (probably after a Windows update) and now I cannot boot my Kubuntu anymore. Live sticks also cannot access the drives. When I try to switch it back in the UEFI settings, it tells me that it will wipe the drive to do so.

Is this message correct? How can I change it back without losing all my data?

The device in question is a Lenovo Ideapad 720-15ikb with Kubuntu and Win10 dual boot.


This site looks kinda weird. For one, it looks much more polished than any similar site I've seen so far. They have really good SEO as well, always popping up pretty high on Google. They have a massive selection of content.

How can they still be up?

What's the catch/what's wrong with them?

Also, what do they mean by "preinstalled"? The game isn't preinstalled if I have to install it from them, is it?


Ich hab mal wieder bisserl meine Zechen bei Reddit reingedrippt, und es direkt bereut.

Auf /r/Austria, was früher ganz nett und angenehm war, sind irgendwie nur mehr Rechte unterwegs. Dauerhaftes Schimpfen über Ausländer, Zahlen und Fakten interessieren niemanden mehr. Ist echt schlimm.

Zechen sind auf jeden Fall wieder eingezogen und ich bleib hier.


Couldn't figure it out so far.


After reading a bit about Usenet, it seems to me as if the whole Fediverse seems to be just a reinvention of Usenet.

What's the big difference?

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